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Nikolaev Metodi

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 14, 2008
Hello , everyone

I've checked the sticky topics in this section but still one of my questions remains unanswered ...

Atm I'm in Japan and I'm going to live here (hopefuly) the next 4 years. I bought an Iphone 3G and made a 2 years contract with Softbank.

I'm sure that jailbreaking is against their policy ... but do I lose the abillity to use my Iphone 3G as a phone? Because I read in the topic above that " jailbroken Iphone is an ITouch with Camera " ... is this true?

When I bought IPhone , here in Japan , I bought thinking that would serve me as a Phone and as an IPOD ... However if jailbreaking means losing the first abillity , I don't think I would go for it .

Why would I want to jailbreak? I have 3g , internet , can use wi-fi without problems ... but this very basic THEME drives me crazy. You see I like custom stuff , I even njoy losing my time making my own ( and especially when it comes to Anime themes , I think I would be able to offer a lot of "ideas" ) ...

So ... What about it? If I jailbreak it , will I be able to talk with the phone again? Can softbank detect it's jailbroken and make some problems? Can I jailbreak it , make theme , then restore it ( I mean will the theme be saved)?

Thank you in advance

Kindest regards , Nikolaev Metodi
You might be confusing "unlocking" with "jailbreaking" and if that's the case, then unlocking involves making your iPhone available to utilize other carrier SIM cards. While jailbreaking involves utilizing 3rd party apps such as emoji through Cydia etc. If you need a more detailed definition feel free to Google these terms regarding the 3G iPhone. Hope this helps...
You didn't understand me ...

You see I don't have any problems with my SIM carrier ( a.k.a. Softbank) , I WANT it to stay the same ( Softbank) ... but I want to jailbreak it so I can use 3rd party app ... with which to change my themes and everything ...

However ... Will I be able to use my Iphone 3G as a Phone , after I jailbreak it? I mean will I still be able to use Softbank's SIM after the jailbreak ...

I don't know how to explain it in more simple way sorry ...

After I jailrbreak it so I can use the 3rd party software ... will I still be able to call my friends using the Softbank SIM,PLAN or network ...
You didn't understand me ...

You see I don't have any problems with my SIM carrier ( a.k.a. Softbank) , I WANT it to stay the same ( Softbank) ... but I want to jailbreak it so I can use 3rd party app ... with which to change my themes and everything ...

However ... Will I be able to use my Iphone 3G as a Phone , after I jailbreak it? I mean will I still be able to use Softbank's SIM after the jailbreak ...

I don't know how to explain it in more simple way sorry ...

After I jailrbreak it so I can use the 3rd party software ... will I still be able to call my friends using the Softbank SIM,PLAN or network ...

Yes you will.
With the custom themes, you may be able to do that if you can get into the filesystem of the iPhone via SSH (must be jailbroken.) I don't know too much about this though.
Your phone will keep working the same, you'll still be able to make calls, etc as usual after jailbreaking.

Jailbreaking = making it possible to add programs that DON'T come from the App Store.
Your phone will keep working the same, you'll still be able to make calls, etc as usual after jailbreaking.

Jailbreaking = making it possible to add programs that DON'T come from the App Store.

That was what I was asking for , thank you

Could any1 sugest an application for making YOUR OWN themes ( I know there are a few tutorials about such applications but don't know which one is the best)

Basicly I wan't to edit some pictures with my photoshop and make a theme out of them ...
Make your theme once you jail break your phone, in Cydia download wbapp and you will be able to customize whatever however.

Once again jail breaking has no disadvantages whatsoever if done correctly, and has no effect on how your phone makes or receives phone calls
You do not lose anything, other than your warranty, which you can easily gain back by "putting the phone back in jail."

You do gain a lot though, I love Cycorder, and SSH (the ability to change the sensitivity of the touchscreen!), as well as other things such the cool little ringtones and wallpapers they have.
I already install a ready theme ( using IPhoneBrowser + Cydia + Winterboard) and it's look awesome...

Can't wait to finish lectures at university today , so I start customizing my own theme :)

Thank you for everything :)
Great, looks like you have the hang of things. Check out for more theming action - they're quite detailed and all that on the forums there.

Cheers, and have fun!
I believe you will loose speed.
As I recall, depending on how much you customize it, jailbreaking will make you lag.
The only things you will lose are speed and disk space.

The performance depends on how many interface hacks you want to do:

(1) No Winterboard, no themes or pref-hacks, mobilesubstrate removed = little appreciable difference.

(2) No winterboard, no themes, mobilesubstrate installed = longer boot time.

(3) Winterboard + themes = moderate/large decrease in UI "snappiness."
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