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macrumors member
Original poster
May 10, 2012
I can’t help but feel uncomfortable by the overly flashy and supposedly funny style of the latest keynote. The way Craig makes his entrances and basically acts like being a superhero, I think it’s just cringy. Or, if I’m brutally honest: I find it downright tasteless.

Not to be nostalgic, but could you imagine Steve Jobs doing any of that? Obviously Craig is not Steve, and the company has changed, but there’s something about the slicky smoothness of it all that makes it less approachable to me. Like Apple has lost their human touch. And their taste.

I mean come on. Slow motion running with your hands through your hair. It’s not really funny, it’s just vain.

And the invitations with these stupid childish memoji.

Apple used to be so simple and tasteful.

I hope some of the more intellectual Dieter Rams influenced simplicity makes its way back.

Anyone with me on this…? Or do people actually like the new Apple better? In that case maybe it’s just not for me anymore.

Genuinely curious!
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macrumors 68020
Jul 4, 2019
Montréal, Canada
To be fair, Craig had this type of humor in apple events for many years. I find it funny but I’m not laughing my ass off either. It’s just some light moments to make people smile and retain their concentration through a packed and long event. I can see why you find it cringe though.

I am too young to have assisted to the apple events from the Jobs era, but I’ve watch a few in the past few years. I agree with you that apple was excellent to communicate an emotion or a message over a very simple keynote. With digital events, they went full blown with cinematographic shots and overkill post production effects. I personally like both kind of events, but I agree that this kind of hollywood production is not necessary and is breaking with the simplicity of past apple events


macrumors 68000
Sep 1, 2017
Dull & soulless. We want real keynotes back. The pre recorded presentations are just boring. It would’ve been so much better if there was an audience cheering when the new lock screen or the new iPad windows were announced.

People had been asking for widgets since iPhoneOS. I can imagine people in the audience losing their minds when (lock screen) widgets were finally announced.


macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2012
I'm tired of it. All the zooming around Apple Park is giving me a headache. I always preferred the classic black stage keynotes, the focus was more on the substance, rather than clever editing and music. Also, having a audience again would be so much better, it's so lifeless now.

I've always liked Craig, but the "crack" jokes when he announces the name of macOS is so annoying now. It was funny the first two times, enough already. I think he should be the only presenter for iOS & macOS like he did in the old days, it just worked better.
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macrumors 6502a
May 29, 2019
There was a time up until about 3-4 years ago that I would watch every single keynote Apple did. Now I just don't care about them anymore. I just read the news section here to find out what's new.
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macrumors member
Original poster
May 10, 2012
Yeah same here. It's an old habit to watch the keynote, so I try to keep doing it. But 80% of the time I'm annoyed. I loved the days when not everything was scripted up to the last word. I think this might have been the last keynote I've watched in its entirety. I'll just check the roundup next time.
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Aug 24, 2013
Well, I wouldn't mind all the cringy jokes and dull presenters, if they introduced something truly meaningful and exciting. But on the other hand Craig is the only one that puts some effort and heart into his work. Apple is still the best on all fronts but with each year they're closing the gap between them and Microsoft or Google.
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