I just purchased my 27" iMac yesterday, and I love it. So far, I haven't seen any issues (no yellow tinge, flickering..etc.). Just 2 days old tho so kinda early to judge, but anyway, my question regards the heat from the iMac.
I'm sure this is normal, but I was wondering if some of you went the extra mile to help keep your iMac cool? I have this thing on full brightness, and I use it for a long period of time, and it stays on 24/7 (putting the display to sleep at night), but when I touch the top of the iMac it is fairly hot, and I know that's where the ventaliation is for the iMac, but it can get pretty hot lol.
I almost burnt my arm...well I wouldn't say burnt, but when I reached my arm behind the mointor to grab a cord to hook up my xbox 360 to my external montior, my arm bumped the top and it felt like i was about to be burned lol.
Again, this is when the monitor is fully lit up, and I'm doing casual work, so yeah of course ill be hot, but again back to the orginal question, what do some of you do to "help out" the iMac to stay cool (or warm).
BTW: I'm new to All in One PC's in general so...don't bash me for asking
I just have the thought that, if you can help keep your electronics cool, they will last a lot longer, and less worries of something inside malfunctioning
I just purchased my 27" iMac yesterday, and I love it. So far, I haven't seen any issues (no yellow tinge, flickering..etc.). Just 2 days old tho so kinda early to judge, but anyway, my question regards the heat from the iMac.
I'm sure this is normal, but I was wondering if some of you went the extra mile to help keep your iMac cool? I have this thing on full brightness, and I use it for a long period of time, and it stays on 24/7 (putting the display to sleep at night), but when I touch the top of the iMac it is fairly hot, and I know that's where the ventaliation is for the iMac, but it can get pretty hot lol.
I almost burnt my arm...well I wouldn't say burnt, but when I reached my arm behind the mointor to grab a cord to hook up my xbox 360 to my external montior, my arm bumped the top and it felt like i was about to be burned lol.
Again, this is when the monitor is fully lit up, and I'm doing casual work, so yeah of course ill be hot, but again back to the orginal question, what do some of you do to "help out" the iMac to stay cool (or warm).
BTW: I'm new to All in One PC's in general so...don't bash me for asking
I just have the thought that, if you can help keep your electronics cool, they will last a lot longer, and less worries of something inside malfunctioning