Because when Apple doesn’t change things, people claim they are stagnant and boring. They really can’t win.
Sure they can (IMO)
Change alone is fine as long as it is done correctly.
But change for sake of / being 1 step forward and a few back subjectively for some changes isn’t the way. A change should be an improvement whether small or large without concessions. Especially immediately
Coming from what people already take for granted
iOS 18 isn’t a dramatically different release from iOS 17 ironically feature wise imo it’s just clunky where they switch things up. To the point where it adds up and sticks out where it happens. Not with everything mind you
The dark mode and colored icon ability is nice as is no icon labels for example. I prefer being able to freely align icons how I want. But moving them around is a disaster. It was easier with the locked grid. Fortunately I have my configuration set up but it’s not a great experience to get there.
And chunky animations when buttery animations have been the relative standard stands out.
Also the navigation for colored tint / dark icons that isn’t all that intuitive just one of those things you play with and learn to accept. Lock Screen / Home Screen wallpaper customization from wallpaper perspective is atrocious imo. That’s really
Taken a swan dive in feel over the years though perhaps that’s not specific to iOS 18 since came before that
Same with nested control center stuff. It’s not as clean an experience as control center has been for years boring as it has been
The average person notices it it’s not even subtle it’s actually jarring when it crops up even to someone who has zero familiarity with how software or technology “should feel”
This is all subjective but I really related to this video haha
I’m open to disagreements as well perhaps this is the golden era of Apple software and I just don’t see it / am too much a pessimist on this one. It’s possible
I don’t hate iOS 18 just some awkward design decisions that don’t make sense / wouldn’t be what the average person would think is the way or intuitive and the lack of polish with random chonk is what annoys me the most.
It’s also far from the buggiest new major release but I’m just sick of the same old crap seems they never learn their lessons on obvious low hanging fruit situations