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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 30, 2005
Stoke-on-Trent. Midlands, UK
My New imac G5 is due to arrive sometime this week, has anyone got some recommendations to what software i should be getting, anti virus, pop up blocker etc etc, and any other software that you recommend.
Welcome to the light side!

Anti-virus: Do not need, there is not a single virus for OS X.
Pop-up Blocker: Do not need, there is one already built into Safari, just remember to turn it on.
a quick search will bring up the necessary threads required to answer this question!

there are so many like this!
StokeLee said:
My New imac G5 is due to arrive sometime this week, has anyone got some recommendations to what software i should be getting, anti virus, pop up blocker etc etc, and any other software that you recommend.

Sounds like you need to review the pages at

Have fun with the new virus-free, pop-up blockin' iMac. ;)

peace | neut
what i meant

hi again, thanks again everyone for posting so far,, Ive read your replys,, but i think i mite not of said what i mean, I kow what comes with my new imac software wise,,, but im after the software that you must have,, for example,, on my windows based laptop, i dont use internet explorer, i use firefox, etc etc, any killer widgets that i should download, what should i go and buy, , im a mac newbie converter, and every since ive placed my order ive been reading and reading everything i can about the mac. But more help would be gladly appreciated.

You might want to tell us more about what you graphics, word processing, etc.

You should definitely look into Office 2004:Mac if you are converting from a PC user. This will allow you to open your documents on the mac flawlessly, provided that you were using MS Office on the PC (good chance you were). The student/teacher edition of Office:Mac is only $149 if I remember right. That's a bargain!

Good luck with the new iMac, and welcome to the Mac word. I'm sure you'll love the iMac G5!
StokeLee said:
... for example,, on my windows based laptop, i dont use internet explorer, i use firefox, etc etc, any killer widgets that i should download, what should i go and buy...


Firefox is available for Mac, but i would give Safari a try first. Widgets are mostly subjective ... it all depends on what you want to do. Are you going to actually do something with you Mac (ie. create things ... web-pages, art, video, documents, photos) or are you just looking for time-wasting stuff?

Check out for some reviews on mac related hardware and software, plus a lot of OSX tips.

peace | neut
Its for everything...

Its going to be for everything,,,, almost,,,,
im into making my own websites, nothing fancy,, the last two i made was using ms frontpage, but would like to get a bit more involved. I want to put some videos on dvd for my parents of my sisters kids for them, just basic dvd authoring,, menu, bit of back ground music,, for starters,, and then itunes, ive got an ipod foto, which ive got the envious task of transferring 20 gig from my laptop to my new imac,
what else,, im going to be connecting my imac up to my sounds system, got an av receiver, and the correct cables to join it all up, is there any software out there, that i would benefit from?


ps. thank you for the last few posts, ill be checking out the ms office, and the website link
StokeLee said:
Its going to be for everything,,,, almost,,,,
im into making my own websites, nothing fancy,, the last two i made was using ms frontpage, but would like to get a bit more involved. I want to put some videos on dvd for my parents of my sisters kids for them, just basic dvd authoring,, menu, bit of back ground music,, for starters,, and then itunes, ive got an ipod foto, which ive got the envious task of transferring 20 gig from my laptop to my new imac,
what else,, im going to be connecting my imac up to my sounds system, got an av receiver, and the correct cables to join it all up, is there any software out there, that i would benefit from?


You should be set for DVD creation and authoring with iMovie, iDVD, and iTunes (and possibly iPhoto). For web-sites ... it depends on how much you want to get into it. For ease of use, .mac (dot mac) will give you web space plus web creation software. TextEdit can be used to write an HTML (if you know how to code) or BBEdit for better control. Then, there's always Dreamweaver and GoLive for WYSIWYG. :)

peace | neut
iWork'05, much better the appleworks
pop-up/virus blocks are really not needed for mac osx as of today(5/30/05) one day i think they will be, but not as much as they are needed for windows today.
Plymouthbreezer said:
A three button mouse. The one button Apple one will probably drive you nuts.
Many people including I love the one button mouse.

You get used to it. And I am now faster at "mousing" than with a two or three button mouse. :cool:
Here is a good start for you, but it by no means comprehensive! It is only one Mac users' perspective (mine).

Check or (my favorite) and download to your hearts content. I've listed some stuff I found on my computer I think you may like. You will find most of these at the above two sites, but for the rest Google them and you'll find them no problem.

Stuff in my System Preferences I consider essential:

APE Manager

Stuff in my Utilities folder you should look into:

Application Enhancer 1.4.6
BootCD 0.6.3
Carbon Copy Cloner
Data Rescue X
DVDBackup1 Folder
File Buddy 8
Pacifist-package extractor
Preferential Treatment
Safari Bookmark Exporter
Speed Freak
Trash It!
Trash X
URL Manager Pro 3.1.1
yade X us 0.99b Folder

Killer apps:

Office 2004 (hey, it works good for me, but I still do word processing on the OLD WordPerfect 3.5e)
Logic or Digital Performer
Firefox (download extensions to speed it up)
GraphicsConverter (not meant as a Photoshop sub, but a supplement)
VLC or MPlayer to watch movies QuickTime won't play (there aren't many that fit that bill)
DivX (not really an app, but a codex)
Toast (for more powerful burning capabilities)
PDF Shrink (for shrinking huge PDF files for web distribution)
RadioLover (record any internet radio--but it's not free)
MP3 Trimmer
Sound Studio (for basic audio editing)
WireTapPro (record any sound on computer as an .aiff (.mp3 as well?))
Batch (for photos)
NoiseNinja (for photos)

Newsreaders: Unison, Hogwasher, Thoth, etc.

Lastly, here is good set of links for "mac os x power tools," for the real tinkerer:
A Couple More Essential Applications


Here's a few more essential applications for me that I note are missing from some of the lists:

AdiumX - Fab multi-protocol instant messenger
Growl - Has many uses but essentially allows event notifications to be posted on-screen, such as the current iTunes track playing or the arrival of a new email
OmniGraffle Pro - Awesome graphics tool for making Visio-style diagrams and, in the new version, includes the ability to create complex shapes using bezier curves
OmniOutliner Pro - I store my life in this application now but its a great tool for making lists
Transmit - My FTP client of choice at the moment
Macromedia Studio MX 2004 - Great if you want everything for the web and the student edition costs peanuts

Aside from those applications I think most essentials have been covered. There's a lot of great applications for the Mac and it's taken me a while to find some of the stuff that doesn't exist for the PC. Quicksilver is a great example of this and definitely an essential for me, even with Spotlight installed with OS X 10.4. To be honest, I think you'll be in for a lot of fun.
sjpetry said:
Many people including I love the one button mouse.

You get used to it. And I am now faster at "mousing" than with a two or three button mouse. :cool:
Maybe, but chances are, if he's a long time windows user, he'll get angry with control-clicking all the time. I find it hard to believe that Mac users will the Pro Mouse are faster at "mousing" than those with two or three button mouse.
Thank you everyone

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your input, im looking forward to all things apple Imac, i know its going to be different, but hey,, whats life if not somat to look forward to.

Im going to have a look at the all the software suggested, the free to d/l or try at least first, then have a look at buying them, though it does look like im going to have to buy ms office, ive tried openoffice, and excel is just not good enough,,,

Anyway thanks again

StokeLee said:
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your input, im looking forward to all things apple Imac, i know its going to be different, but hey,, whats life if not somat to look forward to.

Im going to have a look at the all the software suggested, the free to d/l or try at least first, then have a look at buying them, though it does look like im going to have to buy ms office, ive tried openoffice, and excel is just not good enough,,,

Anyway thanks again

You mean, iMac. ;)

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