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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 22, 2008
I saw that new laptop type dock that someone is releasing, and I incomplete.

This would be my dream dock......

It has a keyboard on the bottom like a laptop with the touch area for a pointer that appears on the iPad when docked (that may be stretching a bit).

It has 3 USB Ports, 1 HDMI/USB port and a hard drive as well as a battery. You dock the iPad in to the top section which is now the monitor/CPU, the dock is basically turning this into a MacBook that could be used as your primary computer. Undock the iPad, and it is that portable masterpiece we are all enjoying now.

I would LOVE if this would be the future of our iPads someday :D
aka the Lenovo IdeaPad U1 hybrid notebook.

yeah, yeah the ipad is better and such but the idea is already there.
I saw that new laptop type dock that someone is releasing, and I incomplete.

This would be my dream dock......

It has a keyboard on the bottom like a laptop with the touch area for a pointer that appears on the iPad when docked (that may be stretching a bit).

It has 3 USB Ports, 1 HDMI/USB port and a hard drive as well as a battery. You dock the iPad in to the top section which is now the monitor/CPU, the dock is basically turning this into a MacBook that could be used as your primary computer. Undock the iPad, and it is that portable masterpiece we are all enjoying now.

I would LOVE if this would be the future of our iPads someday :D

or.. just buy a macbook ?
Was it one of those flip screens, or were you able to remove the display altogether as it's own device? :confused:

Defeating the purpose.....instant on, touchscreen,....etc

But your talking about adding a keyboard a track pad sort of thing, HDMI ports having to plug the thing into this "dock"

Macbooks have instant on, its called "Sleep"

I see no point in including a hdmi port etc unless maybe.. it was to watch HD videos on your tv. As for the rest I dont really see a point, id rather just carry the ipad portable all the time. Then use a macbook for sitting at a desk with a keyboard etc.

The HDMI thing would be cool I guess
Jut a note on where this whole initial idea this came from.....a friend and I were having a full blown geek discussion awhile ago. We both had agreed that technology is going the way of mobility and cloud computing. Laptops are now becoming the new desktop, and our Cell phones are becoming an extension of the laptop....I think that's why so many were a little confused as to where the iPad fits in....neither here nor there....

I feel in the long term our primary computing will be from our phones. The battery life, processing speed, security, and data speeds are eventually going to become fast enough in mobile computing that we will be using our phones for transferring currency, locking our front doors, turning the AC on at home remotely for a cool house in the summer....etc. We will have a larger monitor, keyboard, and mouse hooked to a dock controlled by the cell phones, I believe mobile computing will be our primary computing.

Many have tried unsuccessfully to produce a Tablet, I think Apple hit the mark. I also think it could go further....I am looking forward to a good discussion here :D
But your talking about adding a keyboard a track pad sort of thing, HDMI ports having to plug the thing into this "dock"

Macbooks have instant on, its called "Sleep"

I see no point in including a hdmi port etc unless maybe.. it was to watch HD videos on your tv. As for the rest I dont really see a point, id rather just carry the ipad portable all the time. Then use a macbook for sitting at a desk with a keyboard etc.

The HDMI thing would be cool I guess

Can you keep a Macbook in it's case away from a charger in sleep full time? I am not looking at turning the iPad into a full time laptop, I am talking about keeping it primarily what it is.....then making it more when you get home...a 2 in 1 device....see my last post as far as where I am going with all this. And yes....the HDMI is for HD viewing.
aka the Lenovo IdeaPad U1 hybrid notebook.

yeah, yeah the ipad is better and such but the idea is already there.

First thing I thought of when I read the OP

I think it is interesting that the lenovo switches OSes when you undock the screen. Would be interesting to have the iPad run OSX when docked an iPhone OS when out about.
I feel in the long term our primary computing will be from our phones. The battery life, processing speed, security, and data speeds are eventually going to become fast enough in mobile computing that we will be using our phones for transferring currency, locking our front doors, turning the AC on at home...

Boy, have you missed it. Haven't you ever seen Star Trek? Tablets are the computing device of the future, albeit with a single hand interface (at some point something replaces the qwerty interface)! I know all this because i spent part pf the weekend watching the first season of Star Trek:Enterprise on iTunes and have now seenthe future.

I mean, have you ever seen Kirk pull out a smart phone? Sure, they had communicators, but other than making calls, location services, and the ability to overcharge them to break out prison in a pinch, they had no advanced functionality. It is tablets all the way!
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Buy a Macbook Air when the update comes out soon. Accept the iPad as the device it is, without trying to shoehorn a bunch of claptrap onto it.
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