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macrumors newbie
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Jan 17, 2012
It is being said that the iPad3 is coming this March 7th. Which Apple computer do you guys think is coming at the same time or right after it? Does Apple would release something else besides the iPad on the same day? If not, anyway, which computer do you think would be released next and in what order considering the industry rumors?
I wish they would release either a new iMac, MackPro or MacBookPro.
As you probably haven't read any of the countless threads about the 2012 Macs, let me summarise them for you:
All Macs except the Mac Pro will see an update between March/April and July, due to availability of Ivy Bridge CPUs, the Mac Pro will probably see an update in Q2 2012, due to availability of Sandy Bridge Xeon CPUs.

If you want more information, just read some of the already available threads about this very same question.

PS: I am too lazy now to look for release dates of past Macs and iPads via the Buyer's Guide or or MetaCrawler to look for evidence of this behaviour in the past.
As you probably haven't read any of the countless threads about the 2012 Macs, let me summarise them for you:
All Macs except the Mac Pro will see an update between March/April and July, due to availability of Ivy Bridge CPUs, the Mac Pro will probably see an update in Q2 2012, due to availability of Sandy Bridge Xeon CPUs.

You have your dates the wrong way round. Sandy Bridge-EP Xeons come at the start of march, Ivy Bridge in April.
You have your dates the wrong way round. Sandy Bridge-EP Xeons come at the start of march, Ivy Bridge in April.

Thanks then. Then it is almost a given then, that Apple releases the Mac Pro on the same day of the iPad, or not.
But thanks for the information, was unsure about the SB Xeons, as my last information was for Q2 2012.
Thanks then. Then it is almost a given then, that Apple releases the Mac Pro on the same day of the iPad, or not.
But thanks for the information, was unsure about the SB Xeons, as my last information was for Q2 2012.

Some are Q2. The E5-2400 series and the 4600 series are coming later, but it doesn't seem likely they will be in the Mac Pro - which should use the 1600 and 2600 processors, which replace those currently used.
Xeon e5-16XX rumored to release march 6, Apple holding a press event march 7, hrm
Yes, no doubt it'll feature the new Mac Pro and not an iPad 3. Whatever you're smoking ... can I have sum?

p.s., Almost forgot <flipping through seKreT event notes>: they're gonna wake up one of Steve Jobs' clones from suspended animation, and he'll personally unveil the gnu Mac Pr0.
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Hopefully it will be the Mac Pro on March 7th.

The iPad is basically confirmed for the 7th. Apple have only talked about Mac Pros at the original 2006 launch at WWDC, no other model has been launched with an Apple event or as part of one.

I'd say expect them some time in March through a normal press release.
Yes, no doubt it'll feature the new Mac Pro and not an iPad 3. Whatever you're smoking ... can I have sum?

There is a relatively small chance that Apple will introduce both at the same time. First, they could use the opportunity to reinforce the notion that they are committed to both iOS and OS X. They tried to do that in the recent OS X Mountain Lion one-on-one briefings, but that didn't stop some folks from spinning the story as "ipodization" of OS X. However, even if Apple took another stab at it, I'm sure there would still be folks walking away with that spin. There will certainly be complainers about how come the Mac doesn't get its own special "dog and pony" show without an iOS device.

Second, there is very small chance they might need some filler for the iPad3 event. Once past the "Retina display" will there be more iPad3 things to talk about for 10-12 mins. Probably. However, if they were looking for a curveball "One more thing" gimmick...... a Mac Pro would work primarily because it is so tangential. An iOS6 developer preview seems more likely though as a "one more thing".

It would far more demonstrative of Apple's commitment to the x86 OS X products if Apple's was synchronized with Intel's March 6 announcement. It would show they are directly responding to the Mac Pro's competitors which will be announcing the same day. If they don't, there is almost certain to be a 400 post, "New Xeons; Mac Pro is dead; Apple hates 'Pros' " thread on page one of Macrumors and other Mac news sites that day.

Apple could put some new Mac Pro's in the demo room after the iPad3 show for journalists to play with a bit if they "press release" the Mac Pro's the day before. It wouldn't hurt the iPad3 message if journalists write a 'sidebar' story and take no significant keynote time.
Unless there is a radical redesign of the Mac Pro, I would not think that anything other than the usual new web page update release that we have seen in recent years. I don't think it will be the same day that ipad 3's go up, but it might. If we don't get some sort of at least pre announcement in March, then I think we can start getting nervous as time goes on.
Im not saying they will announce it during the event, but they have been known to quietly update other devices at the same time... also like with every anticipated product, the first 45 minutes in about how well apple is doing, the next 30 minutes is about some product/service most people don't care about, and then the big announcement.
Swithing to Mac

I started out with Apple Products with an iPod touch then an iPhone 4 then an iPad2. I have enjoyed these products so much and so tired of the never ending windows proplems, patches, and system overloads even with nearly new Dell XPS 8300 i7 2600 3.4 GHz, 12G Ram ATI Radeon 5700 2TB HD on windows 7; I have decided to take the leap to a Mac! I have been wavering between the iMac and the Mac Pro. The iMac because of the new thunderbolt tech. but unconfortable with an all-in-one machine that seems to me would be hard to uprade much and with great difficulty. On the other hand the Mac Pro does not have the Thunderbolt tech. but has a two processor config. with huge memory upradablity and it is just this that makes the Mac Pro attractive to me. I plan on keeping my next machine for a long time and I am awed by the simplicity and shear beauty of the layout and ease of upgrade with the Mac Pro. I dont do much of the really heavy duty work that That Mac Pro is rated for but would be nice to have the power if I needed it. I do push my system to the limits at times. But some of the reviews seem to say that the the iMac would be sufficent but still concerned about that style. I really need a machine right away since I have been hacked for a third time an so sick of remormating but could wait a while. That being said [now take it easy on me I'm new to all this... :) ] what advice would you all give me. Which one should I buy and should I wait if it's not too long.... I need to get to work on some things.... :confused: Sorry for being so long winded... and would appreciate any help or advice :D PS I should have clarified... "wait" because of possible upgrades coming soon...
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I started out with Apple Products with an iPod touch then an iPhone 4 then an iPad2. I have enjoyed these products so much and so tired of the never ending windows proplems, patches, and system overloads even with nearly new Dell XPS 8300 i7 2600 3.4 GHz, 12G Ram ATI Radeon 5700 2TB HD on windows 7; I have decided to take the leap to a Mac! I have been wavering between the iMac and the Mac Pro. The iMac because of the new thunderbolt tech. but unconfortable with an all-in-one machine that seems to me would be hard to uprade much and with great difficulty. On the other hand the Mac Pro does not have the Thunderbolt tech. but has a two processor config. with huge memory upradablity and it is just this that makes the Mac Pro attractive to me. I plan on keeping my next machine for a long time and I am awed by the simplicity and shear beauty of the layout and ease of upgrade with the Mac Pro. I dont do much of the really heavy duty work that That Mac Pro is rated for but would be nice to have the power if I needed it. I do push my system to the limits at times. But some of the reviews seem to say that the the iMac would be sufficent but still concerned about that style. I really need a machine right away since I have been hacked for a third time an so sick of remormating but could wait a while. That being said [now take it easy on me I'm new to all this... :) ] what advice would you all give me. Which one should I buy and should I wait if it's not too long.... I need to get to work on some things.... :confused: Sorry for being so long winded... and would appreciate any help or advice :D PS I should have clarified... "wait" because of possible upgrades coming soon...

I am in the same boat. I don't (need) a mac pro, and have a 27" iMac as well. I was using a 2006 Mac Pro until it died last month. I am holding out for the Mac Pro refresh, if for no other reason for a slight price drop in the old model, and the possibility of much higher performance in the new model. I have a Dell 30" and Dell 24" monitor, so I would much rather have the Mac Pro pushing them, then the 27" iMac, although the iMac could handle it. I currently am using my iMac to push the 24" dell in portrait to work from home, until I get my Mac Pro. The other reason I am choosing to replace the Mac Pro with another MP, is for storage. I currently have 4 hard drives, that were in the 2006 MP, that are my boot drive, time machine backup, iPhoto drive, and iTunes drives. We also have 2 iPhones, 1 iPad, several iPods, and 2 apple TV's that stream and sync with that Mac Pro. So, to answer your question, it really depends on what you are comfortable with. The iMac is a powerful machine, and has a great monitor, but seems like you are not fond of the "all in one". I cannot blame you there. The Mac Pro on the other hand is also a powerful machine and will do all that the iMac can do and more, when your software can use all the cores, and ram, etc. But for me, it boils down to what works for me, and how long I want to keep the machine. I am not one to buy every new model, so this 27" iMac that I bought last year, will be my wife's machine for a while to come, as she does graphic design and web design. And the Mac Pro will serve me for many years, as I would not "upgrade" until it dies.

Hopefully this perspective can help you a bit, but as others will say, I am sure "it depends on what you will do with it, and what you are happy with". In my opinion they are both great machines, it will just depend on your usage and comfort level.

The update is coming. I dreamed about it last night. Give it 2 weeks and we will see the new Mac Pro :cool:

P.S. Otherwise Dell will have a new customer :(
Switching to Mac

Thanks Tony! you too ineedamacpro :) your reply was helpful, all conversation helps us sort things out in our minds. I'm in the same situation with the monitor; I also have a 24' Dell LED and I also have a24' Viewsonic LED so I really dont need the monitor, although a 27 would be nice. Also I want to keep this machine for many years to come so upgradability is a must. I know the iMac can be upgraded but not nearly as easily as the Mac Pro. - Looks like I'm leaning more toword the Mac Pro all the time doesnt it... I just hope it does upgrade (not that it's not an awesome machine as it is) but soon... BTW ineedamacpro or was it iwantamacpro? sorry cant remember... anyway I guess I wasnt clear enough... I now have the Dell, I'm not even concidering buying another windows machine. I think I already have nearly good as it gets with windows and it just isnt getting it. besides all the headaches and security problems I have had with it... Yep, I'm going Mac all the way... we already have 2 iPhones a 64G iPod 2 iPad2's 64G and an Apple TV I do have an iCloud account but it would be nice to have plenty of storage to back them all up locally along wiith all my other work - well, there's another reason to go for the Mac Pro with the 4 HD bays..... :) Come on upgrade!!!!!
Thanks Tony! you too ineedamacpro :) your reply was helpful, all conversation helps us sort things out in our minds. I'm in the same situation with the monitor; I also have a 24' Dell LED and I also have a24' Viewsonic LED so I really dont need the monitor, although a 27 would be nice. Also I want to keep this machine for many years to come so upgradability is a must. I know the iMac can be upgraded but not nearly as easily as the Mac Pro. - Looks like I'm leaning more toword the Mac Pro all the time doesnt it... I just hope it does upgrade (not that it's not an awesome machine as it is) but soon... BTW ineedamacpro or was it iwantamacpro? sorry cant remember... anyway I guess I wasnt clear enough... I now have the Dell, I'm not even concidering buying another windows machine. I think I already have nearly good as it gets with windows and it just isnt getting it. besides all the headaches and security problems I have had with it... Yep, I'm going Mac all the way... we already have 2 iPhones a 64G iPod 2 iPad2's 64G and an Apple TV I do have an iCloud account but it would be nice to have plenty of storage to back them all up locally along wiith all my other work - well, there's another reason to go for the Mac Pro with the 4 HD bays..... :) Come on upgrade!!!!!

Worth noting, my Mac Pro (2006) model was a 2 x Dual Core processors, with 12 gig of ram, and it was still running fine, until it died, or I would not be buying another machine. So a 6 year old machine was perfectly fine for me. It ran Lion and did all that I needed it to. I mention this only to say the upgradeability, except the hard drives, is really not that big of a deal with the mac pro. At least how I use it, that is. I know some on the forums would suggest upgrading the processor later, and I am sure that is within reach of some, but I would rather use the machine as my work does not require any kind of heavy lifting, processor wise, only internet connection. So, the Mac Pro is mainly the replacement of a windows box that I had built a few years ago, and I finally said goodbye to Windows machines, although I still run Parallels 7 and windows xp and 7 on my iMac/Mac Pro and Macbook air, as I have some win only programs that I still use, like Quicken 2003 for windows!

Sounds like the Mac Pro would suit you fine....

My wild guess is iPad3, Apple TV3, iPod Shuffle, iOS6, and Mountain Lion.


Unless there is a radical redesign of the Mac Pro, I would not think that anything other than the usual new web page update release that we have seen in recent years. I don't think it will be the same day that ipad 3's go up, but it might. If we don't get some sort of at least pre announcement in March, then I think we can start getting nervous as time goes on.

With a new case re-design, it might even get that. Apple does need to do *something* during the next 2 Qs, even if that something it to announce Mac Pro is EOL'd. I personally do not think this will happen, I strongly believe that at least one last update will make it out the door.

@decontruct60: I agree with your well-articulated thoughts, and would wish for this to happen. Even a minute of, "Here's the new Mac Pro with a new case, we love and adore and will always support our professional content creators! Shipping in 2 months!" would be a nice re-affirmation of some level of commitment from Apple.

The foundation for my reasoning, all rumors aside, is the fact that Apple itself relies heavily on the Mac Pro internally. Apple still needs it. Every Apple engineer I know, is using a Mac Pro. The reason the Xserve is dead, is because nobody at Apple actually used the boxes for anything. The Apple Store & iTunes store run on Suns, Solaris & Oracle, all tied together with WebObjects (long live NeXTSTEP), the parts of iCloud that live on Apple's server farm, are mostly running HPs & Red Hat Linux enterprise, with a bunch of stuff offloaded to Amazon (yes, really).

Another few years, and Apple won't need the Mac Pro internally anymore. Of course the reasoning is, by the time Apple no longer needs it, neither will we, because throughput/bandwidth on Thunderbolt will have attained some sort of reasonable level, providing an actual alternative (the specs and where it's heading, are excellent. It's ... just not there yet. Another coupla years).

Whether or not there is a new one waiting, nobody except for a small handful of people at the top of food chain, and those involved in the actual design of the new system, know. There *was* a new Mac Pro ready in 2011, it *does* have a new case. But then there were no chips from Intel. The incredibly slow/delayed Intel release of the needed Xeons, is pushing the timeline so far out, that at the point the new Mac Pro is released on Sandy Bridge, consumer gear is about a minute away from Ivy Bridge. The "new" high-end systems, are an entire generation behind the consumer gear, basically from launch date. "And... the brand new, entry-level Mac Pro! It's, slower than an iMac." That whole cycle where it took the iMac 12-18 months, to catch up/surpass the low-end MPs, is gone now. <sound of potential market shrinking even more.>

It's reached the point that not only is the Mac Pro a high-end workstation, whose entry-level configs are incredibly overpriced; but it depends on Xeons, which Intel is releasing slower and later, with every iteration. Realistically, this shrinks the potential market even more. When is a Mac Pro cost-effective/competitive with anything else out there? When you buy a high-end version, sometime shortly after the initial release.

Yes, every other workstation manufacturer is in the same Intel boat. It's just that, Apple is a consumer-oriented electronics company with a near-total focus on mobile & portable gear. They don't want to compete in that sector. The only reason the MP is still on life-support loops back to: because Apple needs it internally for their own use.

The single FACT that I am 100% sure of: if/when the new Mac Pro gets released, it has a case redesign. <-- forward looking statement. No religious wars necessary about how the old case is perfect, I love it too, it's a beautiful piece of industrial art. However, it's gone, and has been gone for a year+ There just aren't any new CPUs to put inside the case quite yet, and shipping it empty, as industrial art, would result in even lower sales. "NoooOoooOooz, ewe are RONG! The Mac Pro needs a case the size of a house in order to cool it! They can't change it!" Okay, well, they did.

Pardon my ramble, I only ever seem to post here when drunk :D tl;dr version: "One more thing... The NEW Mac Pro with a brand new case!" <wiping tears from eyes.> Let's all drink the Koolaid, hold hands, and set the wayback machine to 2006 for at least 60-120 seconds.
Switching to Mac

Thanks Tony, You've been very helpful... :D In regards to the post about the change in the case design of the Mac Pro; I do hope they leave it alone... It is a work of art! and extreamly functional, best by far I have ever seen! I cannot imagine them changing it and even more some of the rumors of discontinuing it are even more unbelievable.... Peace
Why are there constantly so many leaks about all the highly guarded iStuff, but comparably ZERO leaks about the Pro line? Just seems odd that we rarely hear anything before release day. I guess nobody cares enough to leak anything and there are fewer 3rd party suppliers involved.
It's possible we'll see a quiet update on March 7th. But I wouldn't bet on it too much.
Why are there constantly so many leaks about all the highly guarded iStuff, but comparably ZERO leaks about the Pro line? Just seems odd that we rarely hear anything before release day. I guess nobody cares enough to leak anything and there are fewer 3rd party suppliers involved.

There has been at least one leak about the pro line. But in any case, MANY of the rumors about iStuff turn out to be complete crap, which means you can't trust any of them even when later they turn out to be right.
There has been at least one leak about the pro line. But in any case, MANY of the rumors about iStuff turn out to be complete crap, which means you can't trust any of them even when later they turn out to be right.

Not true. Leading up to a release there is a ton of legit stuff gleaned from ixxx parts and loose lips. Have you seen the threads about Ipad 3? The only MP rumor was that it might be phased out, which might be turn out to be nonsense, well, that and the Intel schedule of course. Just saying.
Why are there constantly so many leaks about all the highly guarded iStuff, but comparably ZERO leaks about the Pro line? Just seems odd that we rarely hear anything before release day. I guess nobody cares enough to leak anything and there are fewer 3rd party suppliers involved.

High school mall rats have a higher interest in iCrud. They are and have always been the marketed demographic. Just go to a an ATT store and check out who works there and the general attitude. Those are your new Apple faithful. So sad..."bro". "iPhone, baby!". Y'know, those types. The tasteless are on board. Now where is that Italian captain?
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