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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 1, 2013
Jony's house
I'm just wondering, what do you use for your email on iOS? After I get some answers I may add a poll to this thread.
I use Molto, the best I have found for multiple accounts. I have 8 accounts and it handles them very well.

8 accounts, this is awesome. I'd like to hear how you use them and what for if you don't mind sharing?

I've got 3 primary (2 businesses) and one that isn't on my phone or laptop for password recovery and such.
Personal mail I use default mail app. Works well enough for me.

For work I use an application that ties into the work's exhange system (as we do not allow active sync to support generic 3rd party...some 3rd party can work around this ofc, its what 3rd party does to make money lol). Its called good, but imo they thought too highly of themselves giving themselves that name. I tbh only use this app when clients I support say the system (its an added server to the exchange environment) seems to be not working.
8 accounts, this is awesome. I'd like to hear how you use them and what for if you don't mind sharing?

I've got 3 primary (2 businesses) and one that isn't on my phone or laptop for password recovery and such.

Sure. I've got one hotmail and 2 gmail's that I have had since the beginning of each that I use for most stuff. They are spread all over the internet and forums. I have an icloud and an itelcel that I really don't use much, the itelcel for telcel stuff. The other 4 are for 4 different domain's I have, admin email. I miscounted, I have 9 instead of 8. Molto works really well in my case.

I have yahoo and excite I have had for years, but I never use them or set them up on computer or phone.
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