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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 18, 2008
I am in the middle of jailbreaking my 3gs and I am wondering what all of you guys use most when you jailbreak it..? winterboard?
its like a completely new phone once i JB..

1) use background apps (backgrounder)
2) fast switch wifi, 3G, brightness, etc (sbsettings)
3) Mail, weather, calendar, SMS on Lockscreen (Lockinfo)
4) easy file transfer (ifile)
5) DOWNLOAD ! files, pics, videos from safari (Safari download plug-in)
6) Eyecandy (winterboard)
7) User-friendly (rotation inhibitor, 5 icon dock, 5 column springboard, iRealquickSMS, Flashlight)
8) Video (cycorder)
9) Cool stuff (VoIPover3G, Iblacklist, Appsync):p


10) NO battery issues.. (jailbreak with a clean/new iphone setting.):cool:
I agree with all that from the above post, though i don't use all those features. But yeah if you think your iPhone is like a mini-computer before a jailbreak, its even more so afterward. Just today i realized that with the cydia program iFile you can send attachments with emails! this is the kind of feature that is impossible on a stock iPhone. Just about anything you've ever wished your stock phone could do is possible after a jailbreak. Aside from people worrying about the warrenty void, I find it harder to think of reasons NOT to jailbreak.
I am in the middle of jailbreaking my 3gs and I am wondering what all of you guys use most when you jailbreak it..? winterboard?

and the 3GS will be like godsent with 150 free RAM:eek: instead of 40-50 on da 3G...:(

I use PdaNet. Also a GameBoy emulator to play Pokemon Yellow Version.. ah, nostalgic.
its like a completely new phone once i JB..

1) use background apps (backgrounder)
2) fast switch wifi, 3G, brightness, etc (sbsettings)
3) Mail, weather, calendar, SMS on Lockscreen (Lockinfo)
4) easy file transfer (ifile)
5) DOWNLOAD ! files, pics, videos from safari (Safari download pug-in)
6) Eyecandy (winterboard)
7) User-friendly (rotation inhibitor, 5 icon dock, 5 column springboard, iRealquickSMS, Flashlight)
8) Video (cycorder)
9) Cool stuff (VoIPover3G, Iblacklist, Appsync):p


10) NO battery issues.. (jailbreak with a clean/new iphone setting.):cool:

Whats the use with ifile? Accessing your files via SSH is far easier.

Whats eyecandy?
Whats the use with ifile? Accessing your files via SSH is far easier.

Whats eyecandy?

iFile lets you do stuff right from your phone, like play movies downloaded with the Safari downloads plug-in, and as I posted, attaching files to emails while away from your computer. Besides its nice to have root file access on the device you spent so much for. As for eyecandy, have you seen a themed iPhone?? Some of them are real slick, they are like candy... for your eyes.
iFile lets you do stuff right from your phone, like play movies downloaded with the Safari downloads plug-in, and as I posted, attaching files to emails while away from your computer. Besides its nice to have root file access on the device you spent so much for. As for eyecandy, have you seen a themed iPhone?? Some of them are real slick, they are like candy... for your eyes.

Ah I thought as in eye candy, as in an app! :eek:

What with the Safari downloads plug-in can you download videos and movies from safari?
My two important and one un-important issues that keep me jailbroken:

1. I text a lot. Like 5000 each month worth :) It drives me crazy to keep opening and shutting the text app. So quick reply texting (in the form of Tlert) is the most important thing to me.

2. Lock screen information (ie Intelliscreen or Lockinfo). I'm dependant on that now.

3. And unimportant, but still enjoyable: Customizable icons and wallpaper :D
Lockdown - for the nosey females that want to go thru my txt and photos

Ah I thought as in eye candy, as in an app! :eek:

What with the Safari downloads plug-in can you download videos and movies from safari?

yeah there are instances where you can download formats that aren't supported by the iPod media player, so there are apps like mplayer in cydia that play a wide range of formats, the safari plugin + ifile + mplayer lets you play a lot of content that the stock phone would never be able to handle. I don't use it often, but having it makes me feel like I have a lot more versatility.
Can anyone who uses lockinfo tell me how much it slows down the iphone at all? I'm on an original iphone right now and I'm worried about making it lag if I add too much junk onto it.
My two important and one un-important issues that keep me jailbroken:

1. I text a lot. Like 5000 each month worth :) It drives me crazy to keep opening and shutting the text app. So quick reply texting (in the form of Tlert) is the most important thing to me.

2. Lock screen information (ie Intelliscreen or Lockinfo). I'm dependant on that now.

3. And unimportant, but still enjoyable: Customizable icons and wallpaper :D

Where is Tlert found? From which source. Thanks
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