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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 24, 2011
What do you do that made you choose a MP? Pretty simple question. I'd love to hear all your answers!
I use mine as a server for EVERY media from my music collection, movies and pictures to gaming to photography. Love them expansion capabilities :)
When I get my Mac Pro some time in the near future, it will do what my iMac has done, but more efficiently.

I love gaming, so I will have bootcamp on there with Windows 7 for that (though Mac gaming options are improving). It's really the only good mac for gaming since gaming requires upgradeability. I don't like calling myself an avid gamer, but I spend a good deal of time playing them. I just don't really enjoy first person shooters and war games, like, at all. I'm more of a Sims 3/SimCity/Civ IV/V guy.

It will also serve as a media hub for my terabytes of music/movies/TV shows.

I recently purchased a 32" HDTV so I'll probably get the AppleTV as well.

Basically, it will be the nerve center of my home.
Add me to the future Pro list.
I went from a PowerMac G4 to a Macbook and really missed the multiple hardrives, expandability, and the whole tower experience.
I plan on using the Pro to:
* Play games without the graphics turned down, I mean my Macbook struggles with medium settings on Unreal 2004!
* Utilize the nice internal storage capabilities to digitize the entire family's extensive VHS home video library. Currently copying stuff to my external Firewire drives really bogs everything.
* Do some hobby level FCP7 and Photoshopping.
* Server for the laptops in the house.
* Run Parallels without slowing everything down
* Essentially do everything that would turn my Macbook into a black plastic stove.

I had looked at the iMac but don't really like glossy yellow screens or turning it into an octopus of daisychained external storage like my book. I'd also be a bit paranoid about leaving it on 24/7 and find smoke coming out of the vents or something like that.

Whenever the 2011s are released and the 2010s make a mass exodus to the refurb store, I'll snag the base quad and do the hex upgrade on it.
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I want an iMac without the screen. Minis come close, but I'd rather get something more powerful.
Everyday use, Lightroom, CS5, genetic algorithm modeling for financial markets.

Actually I use it for game development and for my hobbies. The programs I use are:

After Effects
Unity 3D
VMWare Fusion
Sometimes Lightroom for old libraries
Corel Painter
Sketchbook Pro
and who knows what else, the above though I use on a regular basis and most every day.

I adore my Mac Pro and am much more productive with it since I switch to Mac 3.5 years ago.
Planning global conquest.

Oh, and that funny cats thing theSeb those fuzzy little guys!
Surfing the Web...
Playing Angry Birds

That sort of thing....

Actually, I'm a professional photographer and I mix music for my band in Logic Pro. I also develop video games (when I'm not editing my major motion picture). But, at the end of the day, it's just a web server for all of my websites and I usually have some 3D rendering going in the background to keep all 8 Cores busy.

What else would I do with it?
If you are wondering why I have a MP it's mostly b/c I need my main computer to be as reliable, user repairable, and upgradable as possible in addition to raw speed.

I could do fine w/ a high end iMac but I'll never buy one as long as it's a PITA to access the hard drive. I also don't like the fact that if the monitor goes I have to take the entire machine in for repair, and also repair might not be cost effective.

I could get away with a/ a high end MBP but you why pay a dear premium for portability you might not need and get less bang for the buck, especially in the video card area. Plus 2.5" drive capacity is much more limited.

That said, I do own other Macs for other purpose. I love my 13" MBP, but I don't let it to any "heavy lifting." I also have a MacMini (old Dual 2 Core version) that is central to my whole home media system.
windows 7 x64, runs better than any windows box I have ever had. My primary software is Autodesk Revit suite.
Mostly editing with FCP, Motion, Compressor, Lightroom and Photoshop. At times I do CAD projects on Autocad and some modelling with SketchupPro. Garageband for basic track creation. Bootcamp XP Pro for gaming. Works a treat.
Simply wanted the best (from back in the Snow Leopard days when Mac OS was the best);

Photoshop CS5.
Aperture 3.
Big iTunes collection, mostly Apple lossless from my CD collection.
Ripit for DVD rips (I like BR-DVD combo packs).
MakeMKV for excellent BR rips for OSX or Windows play.
VLC to play MKV video and may new love, FLAC.
EyeTV Hybrid for watching Clear QAM TV and DVR.
MS Office for Mac 2011 for email, calendar and contacts.
iPhoto for showing photos to family and friends.

Has five internal WD RE4 2TB drives, CCC for non-boot drive backup to WD Caviar Black 2TB drives in OWC boxes, boot drive backs up to Time Capsule.

Windows 7 for Quicken, MS Office.
Windows 7 for CS6 next summer if OS X continues to deteriorate.
Windows 7 for direct Blu-ray playback.

The Mac Pro has been a spectacular machine to own.
I was on the verge of getting an MBP, but decided to wait for the new Mac Pro.

Will get an SSD as a boot drive.

Will be used for: Photoshop, Maya (will be switching from Blender to Maya), Capture One, not sure if I'll stay with Final Cut Pro or will go for Adobe Production Premium CS 6 or FCP X (once it's out, until then: Final Cut Pro 6).
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