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macrumors 603
Original poster
Aug 1, 2008
Vancouver, BC
I thought it might be interesting to collect some insights into owner demographics on this board...

Use this template if you don't mind...

Purchased by:
Workload #1:
Workload #2:

Use these responses unless you have something better/different...

- Pre 2008 MP
- 2008 Octo MP
- 2009 Octo MP
- 2009 Quad MP

- Residence (house, dorm, etc.)
- Home office (work from home)
- Office (place of work)

Purchased by:
- Me
- Gift
- Place of work

- No revenue (this machine is used for hobby stuff only)
- No revenue yet (this machine will hopefully start generating me revenue)
- Part-time revenue (some of the cycles go towards generating revenue)
- Full-time revenue (this machine is exclusively used for revenue generating activities)

Primary Workload: (please select just two and rank them in order!)
- Gaming
- Software/web development
- Graphic arts or photo work
- Video work
- Music/Audio
- Scientific/mathematical modelling
- 3d Rendering

It's assumed everyone will also use it for web/email/iTunes.

Here's my situation:

Machine: 2009 Quad MP
Location: Residence (house, dorm, etc.)
Purchased by: Me
Revenue: No revenue yet (this machine will hopefully start generating me revenue)
Workload #1: Video work
Workload #2: Software/web development
There you go. My machine specs are in my signature.:)

- 2009 Quad MP

- Home

Purchased by:
- Me

- No revenue (this machine is used for hobby stuff only)

Primary Workload: (please select just two and rank them in order!)
- Gaming
- Software/web development
- Video work
- Music/Audio
Machine: 2009 Octa MP
Location: Home office, I work from home!
Purchased by: Me, out of business $$$
Revenue: Full-time Revenue, off hours fun when I get a break
Workload #1: Software and Web development
Workload #2: Scientific/Mathematical modeling (development)

When (if) I get spare time, I want to do more photography, video, and audio fun stuff. Work eats up 60 hrs a week average. The MP has definitely improved my productivity, some of my common workflows have gone from 10 minutes to about 2, compared to my old MBP. :D
Machine: Mac Pro 2008 2.8 ghz
Location: Minnesota
Purchased by: Myself
Revenue: Zero
Workload #1: Video editing
Workload #2: Watching movies/ stream to apple tv

My other mac pro crunches data for world community grid 24/7.
Machine: MP '09 2.26 Octo HD9870
Location: Philly
Purchased by: Me
Revenue: Enough to have lots of toys! I'm a dentist
Workload #1: 3D Cone Beam CT scan volumetric modeling and analysis
Workload #2: Vertical market database/utility development, marketing
Playload:Music, guitar, photo imaging, web development, etc.
Machine: 2008 Mac Pro 2.8GHz 8-core
Location: My Home Office (I work from home)
Purchased by: Me
Revenue: Full-time revenue
Workload #1: Video work
Workload #2: Graphic arts/photo work
Machine: 2008 Octo 3.0GHz MP
Location: Residence
Purchased by: Me
Revenue: Retired, no revenue
Workload #1: Image editing
Workload #2: Video editing
Workload #3: X-Plane
Want: 2.93GHz 8 core Nehalem Mac Pro, 32GB RAM, SSD drive as boot and rest filled with 2tb hdds connected to 2x 24" LED ACD.

Usage: 1080P PR0N!!!!!
Machine: MP Octo 2.8
Location: My office
Purchased by: Mastercard
Revenue: I have a day job.
Workload #1: Photo editing
Workload #2: Digital painting
Machine: 2008 Octo MP
Location: Home
Purchased by: Me
Revenue: No revenue (this machine is used for hobby stuff only)
Workload #1: 3d Rendering
Workload #2: Video work

- only a bit of iMovie to create presentation videos for my animations, but i'm of thinking letting my film school mate use it for FCS. He gets to upgrade from an MBP, and I get FCS :D

(I don't use this machine for Safari/iTunes/Mail...but my sisters do :p )
2008 Octo MP
Bought it as a business expense
I use it for software development

Don't play games much, but have been itching to check out WoW...
Early MBP 2008.
-Academic research work and data number crunching.
-primary function is for professional biotech use; revenue earned considering it is my primary profession.

G5 and G4:
-G5 is for revenue earning work in audio and video.
-G4 is for acadamic research work/ data number crunching

Proggies used:
-Final Cut Pro, Digidesign PT HD 8
-National Instruments Labview and Mathlab for data acquisition and data analysis.
Machine: 8x3.0 / 12GB of RAM / 4.15TB
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Purchased by: Company, given to me as tax writeoff so I can work from home when I don't feel like coming in or want to work odd hours.
Revenue: Generated by work
Workload #1: Film editing
Workload #2: Gaming ( :D )
Machine: '09 Octo 2.66
Location: Home
Purchased: Me
Revenue: No Revenue; Current student so that means I work for free.
Workload: Picture and sound editor. FCP, Avid MC, and Pro Tools 8LE
Machine: 2009 Quad MP
Location: Home
Purchased by: Me
Revenue: Part-time revenue
Workload #1: Graphic arts or photo work
Workload #2: Gaming
Machine: Pre 2008 MP
Location: Home office (work from home)
Purchased by: Me
Revenue: Part-time revenue
Workload #1: 3d Rendering
Workload #2: Graphic arts or photo work/Video

And some gaming on the weekends.
Machine: 2009 Quad MP
Location: Residence
Purchased by: Me
Revenue: No revenue
Workload #1: Gaming
Workload #2: Processing files

I just needed a quiet unit with lots of power.
Machine: MP Octo 2.8
Location: Home Office
Purchased by: Home Business
Revenue: I have a day job/part time VR Tours.
Workload #1: QTVR Rendering
Workload #2: Digital Photography
i'd imagine that most people who use their Mac Pro for serious work wouldn't come on these forums ;)

I agree... this thread will likely prove your theory true, which was also my hypothesis.

I think this is an important consideration when reading subjective threads on this forum... that is, most vocal participants on here (including yours truly) are not part of the target market for the Mac Pro.
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