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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 15, 2006
What features or odd things would you like to see added or fixed in the next aperture?


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2001
Sendai, Japan
What features or odd things would you like to see added or fixed in the next aperture?
(i) A more usable Book layout mode, in particular, basics such as creating your own templates and copy and paste between different (non-opposing) pages (!). More built-in templates.
(ii) A way to add metadata to several pictures without going through a dialog (e. g. location, city, etc.).
(iii) Curves to adjust colors, and luminescence.
(iv) A way to manage persons (not just via keywords).


macrumors 65816
Feb 15, 2002
I would like a software package that does not require what is essentially a mid-range server to function. What I could really use is an automatic dynamic range adjustment that works consistently, a function that could optimise the adjustment to a specific area in an image. Another function that would be useful is the ability to use a noise-reduction package and sharpening tool of my choice.


macrumors 68000
Mar 19, 2006
...basics such as creating your own templates

...More built-in templates.

...Curves to adjust colors, and luminescence.

I'd like those, too.

Also, I'd like for it to have built-in vignetting capabilities and to run a bit faster - especially on lower-end hardware so it can better compete w/ LR.

Other than that, I pretty much like it just as it is.

On that note, when do we expect Aperture 2.0?


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
I'd like to see raw file conversion that matches the quality of Nikon's Capture NX, or at least comes in the same ballpark as Bibble Pro and Adobe Camera Raw- Heck, I'd like to see all the packages produce the same image from the raw file, not something one or two pixels different. It's a raw file, I should be getting all the same info from it no matter what coverts it.

I'd also like to see some sort of indication of which pictures didn't make it into a project when you add too many- or better-yet the limit removed completely, or the system to make a new project for the extra files.

Finally, it'd be really nice to have a function that checked for similar files by EXIF, then something like CRC32 of N bytes, then finally hash value- something quick enough to start out with that would scale well- esp. if it pre-computed the value for everything already cataloged. That'd help a lot when bringing in old disks with duplicate but not always the same images.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
- Book layout that allows for more than 100 pages... i.e. as much as I want
- Allow me to edit the PREVIEW when editing offline images.
- Allow me to export the hi res previews instead of dragging and dropping
- Better image editing tools, curves, more photoshop like tools
- Aperture runs just fine on most hardware (no server required) but can Apple find a way to keep the large previews from slowing down my computer?

- Allow me to backup my referenced images into the single file that is created when you backup Aperture managed files. I like to have one large file as a back up since it is easier to find and move, but having it as my entire library sucks.

- Allow me to close windows, palettes, toolbars, and other sections of the UI with a single click (albeit the shortcuts aren't that bad).

- Rate photos before import, import only selected ratings.
- Input times for Auto stack, the slider is ambiguous and it stinks.
- Sorry... but give me flags and colors like Lightroom.
- Let me close the filmstrip or hid it in full screen mode.
- The HUD is wonderful... can I dock it to the wall and combine other HUDs like a palette when in full screen mode, can Apple do that for me?

- Can i just browse photos like bridge and move image here and there, rate them, delete them, stack them, etc. then import them into the library and edit them and organize them into projects? Basically, I find myself still using Bridge and other Apps because I don't need the awesome power and features of Aperture all the time. Importing all the images from my cards then deleting the ones that are rejects or moving the ones that I don't need out of Aperture is annoying. Let "Aperture Lite" allow me to due the simple stuff first, then when I have my images where I want them I can import them into Aperture for organization, editing, and output. But leave the original features for those that like to use it the way it is.

I think this is a good start. :)


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2001
Sendai, Japan
Oh, I forgot to add the obvious: support for multiple libraries.
This way I can clearly sperate between pictures I want to keep on my notebook and those I don't immediately need. (I don't trust the idea offline images, I want Aperture to manage my files.)


macrumors 6502
Feb 17, 2007
Vallejo, CA
Better Nikon RAW conversion would help and the ability to print multiple pictures for best fit, like in iPhoto. Even Pros have to pay for paper! I know i can fit 2 medium sized pics on one page. mke the UI more customizable

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
The UI is very customizable... the most customizable i have ever seen on any program. The ability to do so is just hidden underneath all of the other thousands of features.

They should give little tabs that you can click to make a palette go away or move it to the other side of the window.


macrumors 68040
Jan 10, 2005
- Built-in archiving. I want to be able to burn images to DVD's right inside the application. Simply select a bunch of images and click "Archive". And I want Aperture to be able to figure out that when I insert an archive-DVD in to the machine, it would notice that it contains the master-images of certain previews, making it possible to edit the images again. I talked about this in a thread I made some time ago: Link

- Make it faster. No, really. I have a 2.4GHz MacBook Pro with 2 gigs of RAM, and the app just feels sluggish.

- HDR. Make it possible to create a single HDR-image from several exposures. In other words: Apple should buy rights to Photomatix and incorporate its functionality in to Aperture


macrumors newbie
Aug 10, 2007
If it is there but I didn't find it yet, call me dumbster :)eek:) but I would like to use photoshop plug-in's directly and not via editing a photo through a separate program. The option "edit with external editor" is just a workaround for me. If you want to do it with a 500 MB TIFF file it is time for lunch and not just coffee on a Macbook Pro. Things like Nik Color Efex Pro are far too expensive and good to dump them into a trash bin ;)
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