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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 6, 2003
Victoria, Australia
A few to get started....

- Master track info
- Master track map (with goto's and repeats)
- Preview loop with song from current cursor location
- Option for text entry of pan and volume on tracks
- Re-ordering of tracks
- Join to work on Apple Loops

-Pan Control similiar to the Volume Control
-Better Performance!!
Originally posted by edesignuk
You only have 256MB of RAM in a 700MHz G3 iBook. Performance isn't going to be great, but, get more RAM, get much better performance.

Its amazing how SDRAM is just as expensive now compared to 2 years ago, yet DDR SDRAM is sooo much cheaper...
My performance is ok, altho slow on bigger songs, but I often get an "System Overload" error message (which does go away as I hit play again (and again))

Which leads me to another thing... what's with all the error messages?? Is this a new feature (and many unfriendly looking ones) or debug messages that have been left in?
And another thing I want...
- To be able to preview a loop in the song timeline. Very useful for when your cutting a loop trying to find the right part.
Performance definately needs to improve.

GarageBand is a very similar (albeit much easier to use) program to one I used on my PC - Magix Music Studio 7 (I believe there is a 2004 edition out now with a freeze function).

It ran mostly fine and my PC was a PIII 500MHz with a whopping 128 MB RAM from the end of 1999 (when G4 MHz = Pentium MHz). If that program could run on that, then GarageBand SHOULD NOT DROP A VISUAL FRAME (although I'm glad they gave priority to audio over screen refresh!) running on my 1GHz G4 with 768MB RAM!

I think they really need to optimize the code. That said, the PC did have a 7200RPM HD (I think).

What would I like to see?

1) A freeze function (it's in Music Studio 2004 for PC, RRP £39.99). This is not a pro feature (they'll all have G5s anyway), this is just something to not limit creativity on a less powerful machine (including the whole of their G4 line-up).

2) Panning controls as already mentioned

3) Better performance (as already mentioned)

4) Better MIDI editing controls (like the ability to add notes to a midi sequence already recorded - I can't figure out how to do that currently)

5) Track bouncing (this can also cut processor power. Currently I would have to export to iTunes and re-import to acheive the same effect.)

Overall though, a very good program. My computer (including its 4200RPM drive) has not really had any problems yet but I don't want to find my creativity limited when I start producing more complex songs at Easter when I get to use my keyboard.
Originally posted by johnnyjibbs
4) Better MIDI editing controls (like the ability to add notes to a midi sequence already recorded - I can't figure out how to do that currently)

I think you can do this by Command-Clicking in the midi editor (the cursor turns into a pencil) but I've been having some strange results trying it.

Personally, I want
1) Loop Stretching/Compressing - can't tell you how many times I've had a loop that was just to fast/slow for the rest of the track but otherwise just right.
2) More flexible note placement - the auto-snap to timing is very annoying when your trying to do fast beats and don't have a MIDI keyboard :D (and when you want to edit after).
Originally posted by Rincewind42
I think you can do this by Command-Clicking in the midi editor (the cursor turns into a pencil) but I've been having some strange results trying it.
I just tried that and it works. Thanks a lot! I couldn't get my MIDI keyboard to uni with me on the train, so I'm keyboard-less until Easter too! I just have my guitar and my mouse!
I'd want to see MIDI through, so I can get GB to speak to all the MIDI hardware I have, also some way of importing/exporting MIDI would be cool.

A better mixing interface would also be very nice.
Not to mention, If reason can push 16 software instruments with only 40% CPU laod garageband should too.
voice effects (changing how my voice sounds)

There are things that producers do to make singing voices warmer/software and other things. I'd like to do that in GarageBand.

I'd also like to be able to plug in two instruments at the same time have them record on their own track.

This would also be good for drummers (but while being able to record about 8 tracks). And I'm not talking about 8 track cassettes that came before cassette tapes.
i would like the ability to change the tempo in the song... i did that back in acid pro for the pc and i cant believe its not a part of GB
I think we will see many of these features in GB 1.1 in the coming months. All in all though, they did a pretty good job with version 1.0!
Originally posted by jigglyjon
i would like the ability to change the tempo in the song... i did that back in acid pro for the pc and i cant believe its not a part of GB


Also I'd like to be able to change the tempo of an individual loop in a song too (without its pitch changing) :D
Re: voice effects (changing how my voice sounds)

Originally posted by Sabon
I'd also like to be able to plug in two instruments at the same time have them record on their own track.

You can already do this, if your interface has two inputs, you can select the input in mono and have two tracks active and recording. I've jammed bass and guitar into my PowerBook, it's such a great sketchpad for songwriting.
Originally posted by jigglyjon
i would like the ability to change the tempo in the song... i did that back in acid pro for the pc and i cant believe its not a part of GB
You can do this easily, just click on where it says the tempo of the song and a scroll bar will pop up.
Originally posted by ChrisH3677

Also I'd like to be able to change the tempo of an individual loop in a song too (without its pitch changing) :D

I don't have my copy yet (this week?) but, from what I've read, you can't change the time signature in the middle of a song. That would be a nice touch.

- Sheet music printables and editables (enjoy my made-up words)... For those keyboard-less, but know our music, I think if we had staffs and a small editor to place notes in those staffs, we could compose something. Melody Assistant had that down correctly.
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