D dcshutter019 Guest Original poster Aug 2, 2008 23 0 Aug 3, 2008 #1 I understand it does not cover scratches or problems caused by misuse etc,but what does it cover?
Tallest Skil macrumors P6 Aug 13, 2006 16,044 4 1 Geostationary Tower Plaza Aug 3, 2008 #2 Everything but accidental damage.
mreg376 Suspended Mar 23, 2008 1,247 438 Brooklyn, NY Aug 3, 2008 #3 dcshutter019 said: I understand it does not cover scratches or problems caused by misuse etc,but what does it cover? Click to expand... It's not insurance. It's a warranty. That means that like every other warranty, it covers defects in material and workmanship of the product, not defects in the products' owners.
dcshutter019 said: I understand it does not cover scratches or problems caused by misuse etc,but what does it cover? Click to expand... It's not insurance. It's a warranty. That means that like every other warranty, it covers defects in material and workmanship of the product, not defects in the products' owners.