I've been using IP over FireWire beta software for a month now since I bothered to install it, and I have to report that it works VERY smoothly for my purposes, that is, networking my laptop to a desktop connected to DSL. It is seemless.
Why has this software beta disappeared from Apple's website, and has anyone heard news of it's inclusion into Panther or a 10.2.7 build? (I would note the way to check is the extension file IOFireWireIP.kext will be present in system/library/extensions)... Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Why has this software beta disappeared from Apple's website, and has anyone heard news of it's inclusion into Panther or a 10.2.7 build? (I would note the way to check is the extension file IOFireWireIP.kext will be present in system/library/extensions)... Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?