I saw part of a lecture about phones and cameras and why phones don't make good cameras.
Their opinion is 'The lens is small, the distance between the lens and sensor is too short'. There is no way, according to the lecturer, that you can end up with 'good' pictures with those kind of dimensions.
Personally I think some of this is the really old (like me) argument between tube and transistor amps. I worked at an 'audio store' and had people come in often to try to argue with me about the various 'problems' with transistor amps.
We carried Macintosh amps, but half of those arguing for tubes, didn't want to prove it and actually BUY one.
These 'Jihad' arguments are a grand waste of time, but humorous at times. I have two DSLR cameras and use one for my telescope, and the other just sits in a carry bag.
Could this be the 'small lens/short length' effect? Perspective?
The weird/cool ones are the ones that are artifacts of the scan rate of the sensor.