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Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
...but have never or rarely used?

Forgetting the whole digital vs. film debate.

My Cokin filter Grad ND system is one. My Profoto flash system was another. More because it required me to close to an outlet.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Chip NoVaMac said:
...but have never or rarely used?

Forgetting the whole digital vs. film debate.

My Cokin filter Grad ND system is one.

This past weekend/week I was reminded of the Cokin system and thought, "oh, yeah, I've got some of those somewhere...." LOL! Last used 15 or so years ago.... Now I'll have to dig around and find where the heck I put those things and the adapter doohickey..... if I can use them with my current equipment that would be a plus, but with my luck things won't work out that way....


macrumors 68000
May 26, 2006
Chip NoVaMac said:
...but have never or rarely used?

Forgetting the whole digital vs. film debate.

My Cokin filter Grad ND system is one. My Profoto flash system was another. More because it required me to close to an outlet.

Half a dozen Rodenstock and Kowa x-ray lenses. Actually more...

Rodenstock 50mm f/0.75 (yes that is the correct aperture)
Rodenstock 68mm f/1
Rodenstock 75mm f/1.1
Rodenstock 95mm f/1.4

Kowa 42mm f/0.75
Kowa 50mm f/1.0 (x2)
Kowa 77mm f/1.1
Kowa 95mm f/1.4

I haven't gotten around to putting nikon mounts on this half of the collection, sold 3 (42/0.75, 50/0.75, 55/0.8), have one converted for my own use (100/1.6).

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Silentwave said:
Half a dozen Rodenstock and Kowa x-ray lenses. Actually more...

Rodenstock 50mm f/0.75 (yes that is the correct aperture)
Rodenstock 68mm f/1
Rodenstock 75mm f/1.1
Rodenstock 95mm f/1.4

Kowa 42mm f/0.75
Kowa 50mm f/1.0 (x2)
Kowa 77mm f/1.1
Kowa 95mm f/1.4

I haven't gotten around to putting nikon mounts on this half of the collection, sold 3 (42/0.75, 50/0.75, 55/0.8), have one converted for my own use (100/1.6).


Will look forward to seeing some pics posted from some of these lenses.


macrumors 68020
Jun 29, 2004
Silentwave said:
Half a dozen Rodenstock and Kowa x-ray lenses. Actually more...
X-ray? Is that just the model name....
And f/0.75?? Why have I never seen a lens go this low... Is it even possible?


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
pdpfilms said:
X-ray? Is that just the model name....
And f/0.75?? Why have I never seen a lens go this low... Is it even possible?
You can go down to f/0.1 or even lower if you want. It's a question of how much money you want to spend building the lens, and how bulky a lens you're willing to put up with. :p

Of course, some mounts aren't able to handle that wide an aperture - eg, I seem to remember that Canon's EF mount will only recognise apertures down to f/1.0, no lower.


macrumors 68000
May 26, 2006
These lenses were actually used in X-ray machines. With the advent of digital X-ray systems, they aren't used anymore.

From a post:
" these lenses are intended for photographing image intensifiers showing x-ray images. In the interest of reducing the x-ray dose that a patient is exposed to, the utmost lens speed possible is used. "

Bjørn Rørslett has made extensive use of them, and gave me personal guidance in these conversions.

You can see some of his work with them, with stunning results.
My stuff is far from his quality. You can see some of my shots with them here:
with the earlier ones (42 and 55mm) and some unconverted lenses.

With the 100/1.6:

Many of these were just to give potential buyers (who later bought) an idea of what to expect.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
bousozoku said:
I have a Rollei enlarger with colour head that's not been used for years.

I have a Besler 23C enlarger that I bought used a few of years ago when I went back to college to take some photo classes. It was great being able to augment my class time with time in the darkroom at home.

But job and relationship pressures led me away from the B&W darkroom, and on to digital. Was thinking today to contact my old college to see about a contest for next semester. Students interested in owning their own enlarger, would submit up to three B&W prints done in the college darkroom - the winner, judged by myself would get my Besler 23c. I just want a good home for it. :)

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Silentwave said:
Bjørn Rørslett has made extensive use of them, and gave me personal guidance in these conversions.]

Could not get his site to open up.

You can see some of his work with them, with stunning results.
My stuff is far from his quality. You can see some of my shots with them here:
with the earlier ones (42 and 55mm) and some unconverted lenses.

With the 100/1.6:

I love your work with these lenses. It shows the depth of your knowledge of the craft and use of the gear.m Much like an MR member here that has shown us the power of the Lensbaby (can't remember his name).

Much like last month when I went for training on the new wide format Canon printers. There was a Canon rep that created some stunning images using a flat bed scanner.

Hope you have sold some of these images.


macrumors 68000
May 26, 2006
His site has normally been reliable, it wasn't working earlier tonight but I have the link bookmarked.

Thank you very much for the kind comments. I wish I had the chance to use them in more places than my yard :eek: . I'd really benefit from a focusing rail with the shorter ones. I have never sold an image actually, of any kind...


macrumors 68000
Oct 28, 2003
The Nikon 180mm f/2.8 telephoto lens.

When you have a (Sigma) 70-200mm f/2.8 lens, the 180mm tends to stay at home. Why did I buy it? Because I had read somewhere that long telephotos tend to compress depth. I wanted a lens that could pull distant backgrounds closer to the foreground.

Alas, it didn't work.

I've been experimenting with multiple exposure to achieve this effect. (Need more practice.)

Also, I have rarely used my Nikkor 60mm f/2.8 macro, but I'm going to fix this problem real soon.
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