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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 1, 2007
I'm slowly upgrading my 2009 mac pro and one of the items on the list was MSI Frozr 4GB GTX680 card. I was ready to buy it but it seems that they dispeared from stores.
Newegg is showing it as discontinued and amazon is out of stock.
Does anybody know what happend to them? Are there any other alternatives to this card mainly 6 port connectors since I don't want to install another PSU in my mac pro?

Only game that I play is x-plane 10 and it does use extra 2GB of video RAM.


I can see it right now on Amazon (they have ten in stock). At any rate it looks like the same card you refer to in your post.

Oh, sorry, that's the 2GB card.
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I'm slowly upgrading my 2009 mac pro and one of the items on the list was MSI Frozr 4GB GTX680 card. I was ready to buy it but it seems that they dispeared from stores.
Newegg is showing it as discontinued and amazon is out of stock.
Does anybody know what happend to them? Are there any other alternatives to this card mainly 6 port connectors since I don't want to install another PSU in my mac pro?

Only game that I play is x-plane 10 and it does use extra 2GB of video RAM.



EVGA GTX 670 4GB SC (overclocked) is, depending on the benchmark, with a percent or two of being just as fast as a reference 680, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, bit not by much, if any. I have XP10 cranked pretty high and it does well. It all comes down to your rendering and weather settings, all other things being equal.
EVGA GTX 670 4GB SC (overclocked) is, depending on the benchmark, with a percent or two of being just as fast as a reference 680, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, bit not by much, if any. I have XP10 cranked pretty high and it does well. It all comes down to your rendering and weather settings, all other things being equal.

oh that's cool. I might as well save some money and get it over 680. Can you share your XP10 settings that work for you? are you using xp10 in OSX or in bootcamp? what model of the gtx670 do u have?


oh that's cool. I might as well save some money and get it over 680. Can you share your XP10 settings that work for you? are you using xp10 in OSX or in bootcamp? what model of the gtx670 do u have?



Extreme textures, max AA, HD, default objects, seldom trees or roads unless custom placed. I often as use photoscenery if VFR. Weather varies widely. Note visibility and clouds DO affect FPS regardless of CPU/GPU. Aircraft usually highly detailed. Never birds, cars, etc. Focus is on FLIGHT realism and terrain accuracy, not "gaming." Half the time I'm IFR and really don't care about what is under me (i.e., what it looks like outside) until I'm a few hundred AGL.

Like I said, it all depends on the COMBO of settings, location, plane, weather, etc. FPS with the 4GB 670 and fast hex CPU in my MP normally varies from around 30ish to nearly 150. Windows via Boot Camp is twice as fast as in OS X due to Nvidia drivers lagging behind on the Mac side. They're getting better...slowly.

You cannot buy a computer than will run XP with everything maxed out at really high FPS (>70). Settings are a personal choice and depend on what is important for you an a given flight. Remember that there is always a bottleneck. Also, for many purposes, XP is still a single threaded app and the GPU will sit waiting on the CPU. More than a couple of cores will do almost nothing for you, especially if you don't use ATC or AI planes.

For more useful info, visit the hardware section on the XP org forum. Lots of talk about GPU options, settings, etc.
Thank you
I'm aware that there is no hardware that can max out XP and i'm not going for that. my MP is finally out of applecare so now I started upgrading it with XP in mind.
I've been practicing on my quad core 2.6 MP and ATI 5870 card. After few tweaks and adjustments I was getting acceptable performance for me.

I've been on xp hardware forums for for few months, reading taking notes, learning. Thats where I found out about gtx680 that I was trying to order. But I think right now i will get gtx 670 and save about $100 or so.
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