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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 17, 2007
Ok, I have been perfectly happy with my jailbroken 3g iphone for a long time now. I've been running 2.1 firmware since the iPhone Dev team released the new pwnage tool, and all has been well, until I decided I should try out Categories.

Well, I tried it, had it all set up, and was loving it. Until a day or two later, I checked Cydia, there were some updates available, mostly for themes I had downloaded. I hit update all, and then closed out Cydia. But I noticed something was odd. Some of my theme wasn't being displayed. My AT&T bars images were back to the stock bars. My lock screen sliders were back to default. Everything but my wallpaper on my home screen and my transparent dock are lost.

So, I tried to repwn. I created a new ipsw from 2.1 with pwnage tool, restored, and then restored from a backup of my phone earlier in the day. This went ok I guess. All of my iTunes apps were back on the home screen, in addition to a couple of the Categories folders I had set up. I went to install Winterboard from Cydia again, and it installs, but there's no icon anywhere in my home screen. Nowhere. However, it was back to it's old game of applying my wallpaper to my home screen and making the dock invisible. So it clearly was there controlling my Springboard, but I had no way to apply themes.

So....I tried again, restored using a clean ipsw, and then when complete, told iTunes to set it up as a new phone. All went well, contacts were synched, mail accounts set up, etc. So I'm thinking I'm all good, load Cydia back up to install Winterboard, but when I click on Winterboard in the Cydia app, I get a jacked up page that has no icon up top to Install, and the description field only says Winterboard.

WTF is going on here? I'm not going to use Categories ever again most likely, but I'm pissed off that I can't get Winterboard back working. This is the only reason I jailbreak. And I just can't figure out what I did to make it freak out, which makes me think maybe, just maybe, I'm not the only one.
ok, I don't know what happened, but i ran Cydia again, and it had some updates, I updated them, and then was able to get the Winterboard page to load. It installed, and I can see it in /Applications/ if I ssh into the phone, but it's not on the dang home screen. how do I get it's icon back onto the home screen? Is there some plist file i need to edit?

I'm afraid this'll get me back to an installed Winterboard that is still only half theming things though.
umm, Cydia>Manage>Packages and uninstall Winterboard..then reinstall Winterboard.

Thanks, I forgot to mention I have already tried this over and over. The icon never shows up on my springboard.
Ok, I feel dumb.

I also had BossPref installed, and although I don't recall doing this on my own, the setting was turned off to display the Winterboard icon. So every time I installed/reinstalled, it was there and working, I just had the icon set to off.

I have no idea what I did to make things go all wonky in the first place, but I'm super glad to be back to normal now.

Case closed.
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