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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 6, 2016
I have an iPhone 6S Plus with iOS 10.x and until rcently I only use my iPhone as a camera.

A little over a week ago I broke down and got a mobile plan with AT&T so I can receive SMS security code to set up accout slike Twitter.

I have no real desire to use my iPhone as a phone or play with apps. It is just a mobile hotspot, securty code receiver, and still a great portaable comaera and video recorder.

Since it is not possible to "clone" your iPhone, I am wondering of any risks I face upgrading to iOS 13?

I seem to be having issues tethering my Retinas to my iPhone, and am wondering if upgrading my iOS version might help?

But I feel nervous doing this without having a "clone" of my current setup.

Fwiw, I live and die for having current bootable clones of my Retinas using Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC) on an external hard-drive with full-disk encryption (FDE) turned on!!

So it seems dangerous to just go updating my iPhoen without a backup/backout plan. (Although I don't think I have much to lose on my iPhone not suing it for anythingr eally?!)

I could use some expert, yet "friendly" help here...

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I have an iPhone 6S Plus with iOS 10.x and until rcently I only use my iPhone as a camera.

A little over a week ago I broke down and got a mobile plan with AT&T so I can receive SMS security code to set up accout slike Twitter.

I have no real desire to use my iPhone as a phone or play with apps. It is just a mobile hotspot, securty code receiver, and still a great portaable comaera and video recorder.

Since it is not possible to "clone" your iPhone, I am wondering of any risks I face upgrading to iOS 13?

I seem to be having issues tethering my Retinas to my iPhone, and am wondering if upgrading my iOS version might help?

But I feel nervous doing this without having a "clone" of my current setup.

Fwiw, I live and die for having current bootable clones of my Retinas using Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC) on an external hard-drive with full-disk encryption (FDE) turned on!!

So it seems dangerous to just go updating my iPhoen without a backup/backout plan. (Although I don't think I have much to lose on my iPhone not suing it for anythingr eally?!)

I could use some expert, yet "friendly" help here...


Backup you phone using iTunes (Windows, MacOS pre Catalina) or Finder (MacOS Catalina +)



* If fail, reset to iOS 13 and restore from backup.
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Backup you phone using iTunes (Windows, MacOS pre Catalina) or Finder (MacOS Catalina +)



* If fail, reset to iOS 13 and restore from backup.

Do I just plug my iPhone into my Retina, launch iTunes, and do the backup?

I am running macOS Sierra.

Also, does the backup contain any sensitive information about me, or my iPhone that I might not want backed up onto my Retina?
Do I just plug my iPhone into my Retina, launch iTunes, and do the backup?

I am running macOS Sierra.

Also, does the backup contain any sensitive information about me, or my iPhone that I might not want backed up onto my Retina?

Basically, yes.

You have the choice to back up sensitive data. If you choose it then you MUST enter a password to encrypt it.

By the way, always calling your MacBook a “retina” is very confusing. You can just say “MacBook” or MBP, or iMac etc.
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Basically, yes.

You have the choice to back up sensitive data. If you choose it then you MUST enter a password to encrypt it.

In my case, is it even worth doing a backup?

Do backups include data from things like my AT&T account?

By the way, always calling your MacBook a “retina” is very confusing. You can just say “MacBook” or MBP, or iMac etc.

Isn't there only one kind of Retina?

People used to always use that name to distinguish between an old-fashioned MBP and a Retina MBP.
In my case, is it even worth doing a backup?

Do backups include data from things like my AT&T account?

Isn't there only one kind of Retina?

People used to always use that name to distinguish between an old-fashioned MBP and a Retina MBP.

Nearly every current Apple product has a retina display. It doesn't denote an MBP. This support article lists what's included in iCloud and iTunes backups:

You can view the specific info that will be backed up to iCloud by going on your phone to Settings > Your Account > iCloud > Manage Storage > Backups > [your device].
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What sort of “data”? You’ll need to be a lot more specific than that.

I'm paranoid about my information, and what hapepns to it.

Maybe an iPhone backup on my MBP would store my name, address, AT&T account #, etc in plain-text on my MBP's hard-drive?!
I'm paranoid about my information, and what hapepns to it.

Maybe an iPhone backup on my MBP would store my name, address, AT&T account #, etc in plain-text on my MBP's hard-drive?!

Will you quit with this paranoia? It’s really quite disturbing. Unless you’re a member of the secret services, or a foreign agent, then this level of paranoia.

If you were this concerned then you’d be using burner phones and go through SIM cards like candy.

Just encrypt the backup and be done with it.

I’d be more worried on the fact you have an iPhone 6S than what’s in the backup.

If you were truly worried about privacy then I’d not have such an old phone.

And no, your AT&T account number is not stored on the phone.

However it’s all but given that a large number of organizations already know a huge amount about you, where you live, etc.
Will you quit with this paranoia? It’s really quite disturbing. Unless you’re a member of the secret services, or a foreign agent, then this level of paranoia.

Being concerned about proper privacy and security is a good idea in today's world.

And people who don't time to leanrn before they click tend to get powned...

If you were this concerned then you’d be using burner phones and go through SIM cards like candy.

It's a balance...

Just encrypt the backup and be done with it.

I’d be more worried on the fact you have an iPhone 6S than what’s in the backup.

I just want to be sure PII isn't stored in plain-text, although since I use FDE, I guess it wouldn't matter on my MBP.

If you were truly worried about privacy then I’d not have such an old phone.

If I was truly concerned about privacy I wouldn't have gotten a mobile plan... ;-)

And no, your AT&T account number is not stored on the phone.

Just wanted to be sure!

However it’s all but given that a large number of organizations already know a huge amount about you, where you live, etc.

And I do my best to minimize that... ;-)
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Being concerned about proper privacy and security is a good idea in today's world.

And people who don't time to leanrn before they click tend to get powned...

It's a balance...

I just want to be sure PII isn't stored in plain-text, although since I use FDE, I guess it wouldn't matter on my MBP.

If I was truly concerned about privacy I wouldn't have gotten a mobile plan... ;-)

Just wanted to be sure!

And I do my best to minimize that... ;-)

I’ve never been pwned in all my 53 years. And my real details are known on the web going back to the very first Usenet posts I did in the early 1990s.
So I backed up (and encrypted) my iPhone with iOS 10.x

Then on my MBP, I supposed downloaded iOS 13?

I assumed that it was instaleld on my USB tethered iPhone, but no luck.

Then I clicked on General > Software Update but the "Download and Install" button is greyed out.

(There is a note, "This update requires a Wi-Fi netowrk connection to download.)

I don't understand...

If my iPhone is connected to AT&T's network, and I have a data plan as part of my mobile plan, then why can't I download iOS 13.5.1 using my mobile connection?

(I sure as heck hope that I am not going to get stuck having to download a new iOS using the UNENCRYPTED and INSECURE free Wi-Fi at my hotel?!) o_O
So I connected my MBP tp the hotel Wi-Fi, turned on my VPN, plugged my iPhone into my MBP, opened up iTunes ion my MBP, and I *think* my MBP is trying to download and install iOS 13.5.1 onto my iPhone, however there is no progress bar, and this has been going on for like 30 minutes... 😯

I know the hotel throttles downloads, but I sure wish I knew if I am actually downloading iOS 13.5.1 via my MBP onto my iPhone or it things are spinning/dead.

OMG this mobile/social media crap is overwhelming?!

I oughta be working on finishing my website right now...
So I connected my MBP tp the hotel Wi-Fi, turned on my VPN, plugged my iPhone into my MBP, opened up iTunes ion my MBP, and I *think* my MBP is trying to download and install iOS 13.5.1 onto my iPhone, however there is no progress bar, and this has been going on for like 30 minutes... 😯

I know the hotel throttles downloads, but I sure wish I knew if I am actually downloading iOS 13.5.1 via my MBP onto my iPhone or it things are spinning/dead.

OMG this mobile/social media crap is overwhelming?!

I oughta be working on finishing my website right now...
Probably best to do updates on a reliable connection.
Aren't you on a hotel connection, using VPN?

Right. Since I couldn't download iOS 13 on my iPhone itself - kind of a dumb design - the only other Internet connection that I have is the hotel's Wi-Fi - which is obviously insecure - so I had to fire up my VPN for safety.

But the VPN wasn't the culprit in the long download times - I know the hotel throttles downloading.

At any rate, I got iOS downloaded via iTunes last night and instaleld it.

Now I need to jump back to my other thread and comment on my issues with not being able to tether my Retina to my iPhone...
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You still have to connect to a Wi-Fi network. The OTA updates mean you don't have to connect via USB to your Mac running iTunes to update it. Some people who are not on Catalina still prefer to use iTunes for updates.
I missed the part about using cellular for this!
Be careful upgrading from iOS 10.x to 13.x have some glitches. You can google it. It happened to me, and it end up with factory reset and restore from iTunes.
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