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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 30, 2012
Updated to iCloud Photo Library on my Macbook Air. Used my wife's iCloud account (she's in charge of the photos). Everything uploaded just fine in a couple days. Works great on the computer and on

I'm now ready to activate it on her iPhone so that everything syncs between the two. However, she has a few albums she's created on her iPhone already (recipes, baby pics, etc.) - that are NOT currently in Photos on the Mac. If I activate it, are those lost? Do they combine with the other albums in Photos?


macrumors G3
May 31, 2007
Florida, USA
They will all merge together.

I suggest taking a backup of all existing photos on the phone just in case. iCPL is not a backup, and shouldn't be trusted as your only backup.

You can also put all the photos on the phone into a new album before turning it on, so you don't lose track of which photos were on that phone before everything gets merged together.
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