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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Mar 11, 2005
I don't know what's going on, but anything I watch on the internet doesn't have sound. Nothing on YouTube, no flash, no Java, nothing. iTunes works and everything else, but no internet audio. How can I fix this? I've downloaded Flash 9.0 and everything. PLEASE HELP!!!
well be glad its just your computer. for a second i thought you meant like cant hear at all. brings up the question would you rather be blind or deaf. I say deaf cuz I like colors and being able to navigate myself
furious said:
um true the sound up

mute the speakers might :D

Did that. All QuickTime on the internet works, and so does every file, just Flash and Java are not working. Any help that actually helps?
I have the same problem! its just on the internet, DVD player works, iTunes works, iTunes music store works. Just not Firefox, Opera, or Safari.
Can anyone please help?!
are you behind a firewall or something that might disable active content?
When you visit a site with some simple java applet in it, try identify the source (.jar file) and download separately (Should be in the same path with the site, e.g., Then save the html page in your desktop, put the jar file there as well and try to open the html locally from safari or firefox. if that works, then definitely is a firewall or block access issue.
Not to worry! I fixed it! For some reason the audio settings in applications/utilties Audio Midi Setup got turned up to high. it was set at 96000 and it needs to be at like 41600 or whatever. I simply turned it down and it fixed. Hope this helps others who have the problem!
The problem seemed to've fixed itself. It could have been the fact that I reinstalled Flash, but after that, it still wasn't working for a while. At least I think things are working. QuickTime stopped working for a short bit, but then everything came back, including Flash and Java. I don't know what the problem was.
nsutt22 said:
Not to worry! I fixed it! For some reason the audio settings in applications/utilties Audio Midi Setup got turned up to high. it was set at 96000 and it needs to be at like 41600 or whatever. I simply turned it down and it fixed. Hope this helps others who have the problem!

I just had this problem tryed the above solution and it worked again... How stupid is that lol....why does it do this??
kzlambert said:
I just had this problem tryed the above solution and it worked again... How stupid is that lol....why does it do this??

Something somewhere messes with your audio settings and causes the problem. Opening and closing GarageBand is often an even easier solution, as that resets CoreAudio automatically.
omg This has started again! I don't know what to do. I reinstalled Flash and I've tried reinstalling Java, but nothing seems to work? Any ideas?

EDIT: I did the garageband trick above. It works now. I have to stop downloading Flip4Mac! Ever since I bought the pro version of that, things have gone awful, and I can't tell any difference between the pro and the free with the except of that the free one will actually work.
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