OK, so I use my computer as a prosumer photographer. To be honest, the macbook aluminum connected to a 30" cinema display just ain't cutting it anymore. My 30MB RAW files in aperture are just ridiculously slow to load and edit. Not to mention that the hard drive is full and the external drive holding my masters is on USB 2.0! Back in the day I would have gotten the new retina macbook pro but ever since my iPad I've literally NEVER used my laptop again. It just sits under my desk connected to all my peripherals acting as a desktop computer. Plus, with all my files, calendar, email, music, notes, tasks, and bookmarks in the cloud I really find NO reason for a laptop if I have my iPad (this is going to be especially true with 10.8).
So here I am thinking that I was going to get my nice fast mac pro with new graphics card, 32GB memory, 4TB raid 0 media drive hard drive, 500GB accelsior SSD, internal time machine storage, etc, etc and we all are obviously disappointed with what they gave us. Now don't get me wrong, the current mac pro or imac would be light years ahead of my current setup and would benefit me enormously in terms of my hobby (and be completely acceptable solutions), but in the end I can't mentally justify paying 2012 prices for 2010/2011 technology especially if a redesign is one year away. Case in point, my current macbook aluminum (5,1) is one of the earliest computers supported by Mountain Lion 10.8. I waited until the new generation (much like now) and bought it the day they came out and now it really will last me for 4 generations of operating systems so I would say I definitely got my money's worth.
So Apple's got me in a pickle... The iMacs and Mac Pros are basically certain to be coming out in 2013 (after following Apple every day for 5 years I can say that when they tell multiple media outlets something themselves, it will happen) and my computer now is on its last legs. Actually, MC Siegler summed it up best today "If there's a Limbo in the tech world, it's in it." There really isn't a right or wrong answer, you have to choose something and get on with your life. I've chosen to wait it out.
So here's what I did:
I put the money I was going to spend on the Mac Pro into a savings account not to be touched until 2013 and will now be buying myself 8gb of memory (from 4) and a new hard drive or ssd (not over $200) to hold me over and keep my computer running. In 2013, it's go time!
And to all of my fellow disappointees, I recommend to make a choice and be done with it, your energy is better spent on other things.
So here I am thinking that I was going to get my nice fast mac pro with new graphics card, 32GB memory, 4TB raid 0 media drive hard drive, 500GB accelsior SSD, internal time machine storage, etc, etc and we all are obviously disappointed with what they gave us. Now don't get me wrong, the current mac pro or imac would be light years ahead of my current setup and would benefit me enormously in terms of my hobby (and be completely acceptable solutions), but in the end I can't mentally justify paying 2012 prices for 2010/2011 technology especially if a redesign is one year away. Case in point, my current macbook aluminum (5,1) is one of the earliest computers supported by Mountain Lion 10.8. I waited until the new generation (much like now) and bought it the day they came out and now it really will last me for 4 generations of operating systems so I would say I definitely got my money's worth.
So Apple's got me in a pickle... The iMacs and Mac Pros are basically certain to be coming out in 2013 (after following Apple every day for 5 years I can say that when they tell multiple media outlets something themselves, it will happen) and my computer now is on its last legs. Actually, MC Siegler summed it up best today "If there's a Limbo in the tech world, it's in it." There really isn't a right or wrong answer, you have to choose something and get on with your life. I've chosen to wait it out.
So here's what I did:
I put the money I was going to spend on the Mac Pro into a savings account not to be touched until 2013 and will now be buying myself 8gb of memory (from 4) and a new hard drive or ssd (not over $200) to hold me over and keep my computer running. In 2013, it's go time!
And to all of my fellow disappointees, I recommend to make a choice and be done with it, your energy is better spent on other things.