Some of you guys should listen to yourselves. You buy an app that cost you 99c, has a name like icrapapp and does no more than flash a picture of brown biological and blow a raspberry and then you moan that its a waste of money and you want a refund. Geeze. What do you expect for 99c? If you are slaves to impulse buying then you will pay the price. Agreed however that if fualty or missrepresented then a refund should be allowed (and the process does work, I've had money returned).
The vast majority of apps that cost 99c will be just that, 99c worth. If you want a good app pay the money. ie the likes of Beatmaker, Pro, OmniFocus, Beejive, HandBase, X-Plane, Biblereader, Ocarina, Warfare, Fieldrunners to give a broad brushstroke of commericial apps that cost a reasonable amount and actually are rather good.