Here's my dilemma. After months of pleading with my pc-oriented I&T admin for a Mac, I now have a nice shiny iMac 2.4 ghz. Only problem is that we do have a wireless router but my office is so far from it that the signal I get is super weak. Being a PC-dominated workplace, everyone (including me) has an ethernet port in their office. I asked if I could install a wireless router in my office but they will not let me do that. So, I am wondering (and I know this goes against the whole idea of a wireless world), is there a way for me to plug my iMac directly into the wall port? I do not see any ethernet "phone jack" connections on the back of the iMac. Can t be done with some other connection or am I stuck? Sorry, I know this is probably a newbie question, but I'm a wee bit desperate.