Is there a cost effective alternative to Photoshop CS3, preferably that is a Universal Binary app?
Is there a cost effective alternative to Photoshop CS3, preferably that is a Universal Binary app?
And in that price range Acorn has already been released... edit: as mentioned by could get pixelmator when it comes out. It's really good (i got the beta) and cheap ($50US or something).
I'm not a student. I'm basically just looking to mess around a bit. With the holidays around the corner I wanted to take some pictures of my kids while they're in their beds sleeping. Then I wanted to "photoshop" santa sitting on their beds then print out the pictures and leave them on their bed along with their stockings. they'll freak out if they see a pic like that.
LOL that would be cute. GIMP would be fine for that. A free Aqua GIMP seems unfortunately forever away (there are three things, for whatever reason, that have eluded the OSS Mac community ... a good Aqua Office suite, which finally appears to be around the corner, an Aqua version of GIMP, which God knows if it'll ever come out, and AV conferencing in GAIM/Pidgin toolkit.)
Pardon my ignorance but what do you mean by Aqua?
Pardon my ignorance but what do you mean by Aqua?
This gets a little detailed if you're not too familiar with computers... but basically, yes, the windowing environment you normally get on your Mac is called Aqua.
However, you can install another environment, variants of which are standard in Unix, called XWindows, or X11. You have to install X from the system install / restore or operating system install disc you have for your computer (there's an optional installs package on the disc that will let you install an "", which, when you launch it from Aqua, starts X).
When you download GIMP, you run it in X. You have limited copy and paste compatibility with regular OS X programs, and some keyboard shortcuts and things will work differently. Also the look and feel will be quite different.
Hehe, I think there're a lot of people who buy waste their money on CS.Good luck with GIMP. The X11 install is slightly confusing -- you'll figure it out, I'm sure, but there are several different installer packages on the disc and people end up installing the wrong one occasionally. There's a guide if you need it:
And then after you do that, this is probably the most straightforward way to install GIMP:
Particularly, if you don't really plan on using a lot of other X11 apps, this is much easier than messing with Fink or something like that (Fink is an installation manager, basically, for X11 OSS).
I gave Gimp a go on the Mac and uninstalled it ten minutes later. It has a user-hostile interface. The main menu is the X11 menu; the actual menu is on some palette. It's wildly divergent from any OS X app and I wouldn't wish it on any friend. Unless there's a different version with a more Mac-like GUI, I can't figure why anyone would recommend Gimp.
Either my standards of user friendliness has changed over the years or running it in Rosetta makes it feel much worse.
I can't comment on the Rosetta issue, but there's a big difference between PSE versions before 3 and starting with 3. I think the general consensus was that PSE2 was a piece of junk. 3 is considered fairly powerful, with some minor to moderate improvements in 4 (mac/win) and 5 (win only). I haven't really used 2 (although I have a free copy lying around), but my understanding is that you can't really judge the series off it.
PSE3 has the U-shaped interface that was in CS1, I think. It has reasonable RAW support, and most other features. The two biggest things that routinely come up with it are that it does not have a channel mixer (it has something that can mostly get you there, practically) and it does not support actions. But otherwise, it was an outstanding value for its time.
When PSE6 finally comes out, it's expected to be based on the universal binary CS3 codebase. It should be quite nice.
I do have a copy of PSE 4 for Mac. will that do what I am looking to do?