Hey guys,
It's been a while since I posted here. Still haven't bought an iMac, still want to buy one. Probably gonna be just after new year, because of interest on my bank account.
By then I guess and very hope the iMacs have finally got the damn updates they deserve. 
Will be a beautiful cold, dark winter of looking forward to buying a brand new iMac, just like last year (waited for MacWorld - never bought an iMac).
Currently thinking about:
24'' iMac 2,66 Ghz
With just all the basic stuff, but with wireless mouse.
But I got a few questions.
1 - Can that iMac run Logic smoothly? Or what will? I wanna go make music with it, record some guitar & bass stuff etc. By then I probably got money for any of the models, but would like to save some.
2 - And how does recording voice go? Has it something build-in, how is that quality?
3 - How can I create drums/beat? Can I do it easily in Logic, or with an other program?
4 - How hard is Logic to learn? Only got a little bit of experience with Garageband when I still had Leopard running on this one..
5 - Will I be able to play GTA IV on it?
What parts of the iMac should be better for GTA IV / Logic? (CPU/Card/whatever)
Ofcourse we don't know what the update (if it comes) will bring, but maybe you guys can help if you know specific parts would be needed better, maybe it's included in a new model by then..
I hope I made myself pretty clear, hard to explain what I meant in English, I'm sorry..
Some useless information:

Thanks for any help!
It's been a while since I posted here. Still haven't bought an iMac, still want to buy one. Probably gonna be just after new year, because of interest on my bank account.
Will be a beautiful cold, dark winter of looking forward to buying a brand new iMac, just like last year (waited for MacWorld - never bought an iMac).
Currently thinking about:
24'' iMac 2,66 Ghz
With just all the basic stuff, but with wireless mouse.
But I got a few questions.
1 - Can that iMac run Logic smoothly? Or what will? I wanna go make music with it, record some guitar & bass stuff etc. By then I probably got money for any of the models, but would like to save some.
2 - And how does recording voice go? Has it something build-in, how is that quality?
3 - How can I create drums/beat? Can I do it easily in Logic, or with an other program?
4 - How hard is Logic to learn? Only got a little bit of experience with Garageband when I still had Leopard running on this one..
5 - Will I be able to play GTA IV on it?
Ofcourse we don't know what the update (if it comes) will bring, but maybe you guys can help if you know specific parts would be needed better, maybe it's included in a new model by then..
I hope I made myself pretty clear, hard to explain what I meant in English, I'm sorry..
Some useless information:
Thanks for any help!