despite all of the new gimmicks introduced in iMessage, it seems there is still no function to embolden, italicise and/or underline text. Am I alone in wanting this?
despite all of the new gimmicks introduced in iMessage, it seems there is still no function to embolden, italicise and/or underline text.
Honestly never thought about it. Great addition. Its the more traditional way to emphasize something.despite all of the new gimmicks introduced in iMessage, it seems there is still no function to embolden, italicise and/or underline text. Am I alone in wanting this?
iMessage is for quick conversation I don't think too many people would use this feature of editing and formatting text in a chat
That's probably unlikely to happen as the colors have meaning attached to them currently.I'd really like the option to change bubble colors per contact to help prevent texting the wrong person.
Facebook messenger is a superior product to imessage
sigh, well, iMessage WAS a big game changer when it first came out, but now it's so "old" and all the new graphical things are just "gimmicks" to me. where's a real iCloud based iMessage? take as example telegram, i can have all the past conversation and files on any device just by logging in, multi platform, fast ad easy.
i really hope they're going to make a cloud based iMessage...
I know (even if end2end encryption is a thing, even for the "ancient" whatsapp), but it can be just a toggle in the iCloud control panel.Sadly that will almost certainly never happen. Cloud based means storing the messages at Apple's end and for some reason there's a lot of Apple users who get all antsy over privacy and don't like anything not being handled by the device itself. As a result we have crippled versions of things like Siri, Photo analysis, proactive travel info, and so on because they don't want it to be cloud based.
I know (even if end2end encryption is a thing, even for the "ancient" whatsapp), but it can be just a toggle in the iCloud control panel.
Just like all the other things such as contacts notes and so on.
I honestly don't get all this furore over privacy, and I don't think most of the world gives as much of a monkey's about it as the US seems to.
Probably because their governments aren't collecting every bit of data on them like ours is.
The "furor" over privacy is that once it's gone, it's nearly impossible to get it back. And I guarantee you that some law enforcement and politicians in the good ole' USA would love to start arresting people for "pre crimes", based on your phone calls, internet searches, and text messages. Apple is literally the only handset maker blocking that technologically.
If security is unimportant to you, buy an Android phone.
A really easy example: Siri and journey times etc. Google Now would warn me if I need for work a bit early because the traffic is heavy en route, and is constantly checking this stuff. Siri, proactive, call it what you will, waits until I get in my car and connect to Bluetooth before informing me that what is normally a 20 minute drive will be over an hour because "traffic is heavy". Not a lot of use telling me at that point.
If anyone thinks that law enforcement has the time to generally, and routinely, data mine the entire population's text messages, phone calls, or emails then I'd say that person has other issues.
And if the "" around furor(e) was a hint at spelling, I'll stick to furore, aluminium, favour, colour, and so on since that's how we spell them![]()
I believe that's your fault for not setting the calendar event alert to "travel time".
I don't have the time or inclination to get into this with you, but have you been living in a cave for the last 8 years? Snowden, wikileaks, etc all proved that is exactly what's been (and still is) happening. It's not science fiction. But please, feel free to file it in the tinfoil hat conspiracy bin, and move on with your life in ignorance.
A Brit named "GrumpyTrucker"?... how odd.