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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 12, 2006
I've had my iPad JB'd for a while and I caught a few threads talking about it? I mean ios4.0.0 or nothing. Did I totally miss something? :eek::cool:
iOS 4.2 will be the first iOS 4 version available for the iPad. The current firmware version on the iPad is 3.2.2

I'm not sure what you're asking though.
I've had my iPad JB'd for a while and I caught a few threads talking about it? I mean ios4.0.0 or nothing. Did I totally miss something? :eek::cool:

Not everyone likes to Jailbreak their devices. iOS 4.2 will bring Multitasking (some people prefer this over backgrounder), Folders, Threaded Emails and every other enhancement that the iPhone/iPod touch have received. As well as AirPlay, which is something I am looking forward to.

iOS 4.2 will also unify the iPad,iPhone and iPod touch, as far as OS goes, right now the iPad is a little behind.
I've had my iPad JB'd for a while and I caught a few threads talking about it? I mean ios4.0.0 or nothing. Did I totally miss something? :eek::cool:
Yes you are missing a lot of things.
1. You are just bragging about your jailbroken iPad. The fact is no one really cares...

2. Not everyone is willing to jailbreak their iOS devices and lose their warranty.
Yes you are missing a lot of things.
1. You are just bragging about your jailbroken iPad. The fact is no one really cares...

2. Not everyone is willing to jailbreak their iOS devices and lose their warranty.

Go troll somewhere. I said I was SICK of having 150 apps that I can never find, so I only had to JB my ipad with folders. I didnt need all the other crap, just folders, and I didnt care multitasking.

Some people dont care about losing their warranty. I'm not worried about my warranty.

If you realize, my thread was asking if people are mentioning the iOS4.2 and I thought I missed a update for 4.0. Maybe you read my post where I said I HAD to JB'd my ipad UNTIL we get a real OS on our ipads because we totally got jacked on the first start of the ipad and this terrible iOS.
OP, a little food for thought here about the advantages of iOS4 on iPad.

great link! Thanks

Ya, I've been waiting for that stuff. I was avoiding JB on my ipad so I can keep my battery lasting, because mine is way worse now... but its just a little effect from it. I was just dealing with it until ios4 comes out. Seems like they are waiting until November now. I wish apple hurried up on this.
The question is worded so poorly, I don't even know what he/she is asking...


If you'd really hear this. I was diagnosed of leukemia in December and put into the hospital for 6 months. I've had a lot amount of chemotherapy even still and it's very difficult writing correctly still from it. So please, relax my question. Sometimes it's better or worse.
Apple never hurries about such things, they are more interested in getting it right. Expect it very close to or after Thanksgiving, not early in the month.

I agree. I wish iPad started with ios4. =\ I do appreciate their time making it right. ;)
Sorry to hear about your Leukemia, glad you responded to the Chemo, just a quick question, how did you Jailbreak your 3.2.2 iPad? I cannot understand what is taking them so long to release 4.2, we don't have any new features compared to the iPhone, unless they are going to surprise us (doubtful, been incredibly disappointed these past few months). :(
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