gekko513 said:
I use OpenOffice from My personal experience is this:
+ It's free
+ It is available for Mac, Linux and Windows
+ It can read and write most Microsoft Office documents (.doc, .xls ...)
+ It's powerful. All common functions and most advanced functions are there.
+ It supports Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Presentations and Drawing.
- Some advanced functions not available
Negatives, Mac OSX only:
- It requires X11
- It looks like crap (It looks kind of like Windows 95)
(Be sure to install X11 before installing ooo, or you may run into trouble later)
Good points! But let me add a few more:
OpenOffice's file format is an openly documented, compressed XML file. Other software programs can and are encouraged to read and write it, meaning file-format lock-in will never happen. I think this is the most important distinction between OOo and MSO.
OpenOffice has much better use of Styles than MSO. It is better at handling very large projects like books, and is more stable overall. It supports one-click export to PDF from all components (a big deal on the Wintel platform, though old hat for us) and Flash from Impress, the slideshow component.
OOo's vector drawing component, aptly named Draw, has no match in the typical MS suite, though it is somewhat analagous to MS Visio.
Math is a more complete formula editor than MS' equivalent.
Finally, the Mac port that is highlighted on the main website is not the best one to be using at this time! A Java version has been developed as a proof-of-concept by one single (very talented) developer, and though he's modest about it, the product is good and can be used everyday. I am writing a book using it, currently 62 pages and counting.
Visit this website to download it:
It does not require X11, it does support copy-paste with the Mac OS X clipboard, it uses system fonts, etc. All current and potential OS X OpenOffice users should really consider running NeoOffice/J for your current needs!