Call me crazy, but it seems like Macs have all but disappeared from all but the most well-funded educational institutions. When I was in a public elementary school 1994 - 1999, there were probably four PCs in the whole school. Everything else that was a computer was an Apple II, beige Power Mac G3, or (later) an iMac. Now, I recently revisited my old elementary school and was saddened to behold an array of Dell Inspirons where the Macs had once sat. I've been to many other places and it's Dell, Dell, Dell. 
Now I've graduated from high school and am taking college classes at a technical school. Dell, Dell, Dell. My studies require heavy use of Adobe Photoshop CS4 and Dreamweaver, which the Dells can hardly run. Now I'm having to put up with this all day:
Let me guess. "Cost-prohibitive."
So who's with me?
Now I've graduated from high school and am taking college classes at a technical school. Dell, Dell, Dell. My studies require heavy use of Adobe Photoshop CS4 and Dreamweaver, which the Dells can hardly run. Now I'm having to put up with this all day:

Let me guess. "Cost-prohibitive."
So who's with me?