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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 6, 2009
Vienna, VA
I'm finally getting my dad to upgrade his Verizon Wireless iPhone Xs(10s) to a iPhone 14 Po next week.

Since his 10s has a physical sim card in - i just hope the transfer over to a eSim goes ok

So has anyone had any issues if on like converting a physical sim card to iPhone 14 esim or have you not had any issues and everything went ok - with no help from Verizon Wireless?

what is the process for Verizon Wireless
1.dose it transfer over automatically
2.or do you need a QR code to scan
3. or do you have to contact Verizon
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 6, 2009
Vienna, VA
Or how many of you that had a iPhone 10s on the Verizon wirleless had to contacted Verizon Wireless to convert the physical sim card over?

I just hope for getting the cellular part setup goes fine without need to contact Verizon Wireless


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 6, 2009
Vienna, VA
Just a FYI if you are do a coming from a iPhone Xs to a iPhone 14 Pro the the quick transfer is not compatible so its looks like you have to go through the Verizon Wireless mobile app
mobile app that if you are coming from a Verizon 10s phone with a physical sim card
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