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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 29, 2008
I just jail broken and unlocked my iPhone for 3.0 for use with T-Mobile once my ATT contract is up in two weeks. What is the name of the battery level percentage application that shows up next to the battery meter? I can't seem to find it anywhere. I have both Cydia and Icy installed. Please help.
It is not working. I installed bossprefs through cydia, and found the option for battery percentage, however when I click on Enable Battery Percentage, that setting does not get saved. The % does not show up, and when I got back in to bossprefs the % does not get saved, and always gives me an option to enable. Is there a different program that does the same thing? Cause it doesn't seem that this is working for me.
It is not working. I installed bossprefs through cydia, and found the option for battery percentage, however when I click on Enable Battery Percentage, that setting does not get saved. The % does not show up, and when I got back in to bossprefs the % does not get saved, and always gives me an option to enable. Is there a different program that does the same thing? Cause it doesn't seem that this is working for me.

Winterboard and supreme preferences is working for me, im quite liking the % figure now!
Haha, lucky you! I just installed BossPrefs and went to the option for battery percentage, and it re-jailed my phone! After 3 hours of getting everything set the way I want it, I have to redo the jailbreak. FML
This is app is pretty cool because about 2 months ago I jailbroke my iPhone 3G and had this app installed. I like it a lot! And, I soon had to restore my iPhone 3G because my battery life suffered considerably. However, I could still be able to see my battery percentage even though my iPhone 3G was back to it's original 2.2.1 firmware. Very powerful app. <3 it :p
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