I work at an office job 5 days a week, and exercise by walking / hiking and lifting weights occasionally.
but I also work 1 day a week sometimes 2, at a grocery store in the produce department stocking the tables and displays (for the exercise and extra spending money... and I like the people, the customers, and the employee discount too
Sometimes I'm standing in place for 10 minutes, but moving around picking up items off the cart to stock the items. Then back to the storeroom to unload the empty crates and pick up some more and wheel them out to stock the next item. I have one or maybe 2 15 minute breaks in a 5 hour shift.
What's the best way to log this as an activity? I'm constantly moving except from my breaks, and I'm bending and lifting, twisting, pretty much using all my muscles (when you have to unload an entire palette of produce to get at the avocados at the very bottom, it's no desk job, let me tell you).
Thanks in advance for the suggestions.
but I also work 1 day a week sometimes 2, at a grocery store in the produce department stocking the tables and displays (for the exercise and extra spending money... and I like the people, the customers, and the employee discount too
Sometimes I'm standing in place for 10 minutes, but moving around picking up items off the cart to stock the items. Then back to the storeroom to unload the empty crates and pick up some more and wheel them out to stock the next item. I have one or maybe 2 15 minute breaks in a 5 hour shift.
What's the best way to log this as an activity? I'm constantly moving except from my breaks, and I'm bending and lifting, twisting, pretty much using all my muscles (when you have to unload an entire palette of produce to get at the avocados at the very bottom, it's no desk job, let me tell you).
Thanks in advance for the suggestions.