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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 2, 2006
I have spent the past 6 months recording blues concerts in the relative dark with my super little Sony photocamera DSC-V1. I can't zoom whilst filming, and what with one thing and another, people around me are starting to say I need a real camcorder! I need one that is really good on sound, this is music we are talking about after all... And also good on filming in the dark, preferable without all the colours going grey....
I'd really love some advice.
Filming in the dark is --- difficult.
Look up the reviews online for the models of camcorder that do particularly well at low lux recording. You'll almost certainly want a separate, higher quality microphone. I would also consider a separate audio recorder - DAT or solid state - that you can set up either with a feed from the sound board, or some static room mics. Then cut that sound back into the video where appropriate.
Following up on all your leads

Gee thanks guys... Yep, you have picked up well on my concerns re the dark and the sound... And that's a very nice piece of filming on:
Cool, nice images, nice sound, just what I am looking for! I'll take that one as a basis and do some comparing.
Thanks for the advice/feedback,
Happy filming,
Just remember, the PD-170 likes rock - you'll find Sony is into rock and techno/rave; Canon is into orchestral/classical music. When it comes to the blues, you really need a DVX100!

I kid... I kid... :) :cool:
Sony is far better than cannon in camcoders (The LCD screen is extremely necesary for concert recording in one hand camera mode)
The PD170 is well known a proved camera, very good camera in low light condition. You will need the 2.5k USD anyway.
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