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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 17, 2008
Hi everyone ! I was just wondering what is the best wireless-n router thats out in the market right now I should get for my iMac. Faster downloading speeds, internet speeds, etc. If anyone know what is the best wireless-n please let me know thank you very much, bye.
Apple's AirPort Extreme base station.

On that note, Apple's Time Capsule works equally well.

Seeing as "wireless" doesn't mean "FASTER, TANJ IN TORMENT!", if you have dial-up, it will still be dial-up. Wireless networks don't affect Internet speeds...
Apple's AirPort Extreme base station.

On that note, Apple's Time Capsule works equally well.

Seeing as "wireless" doesn't mean "FASTER, TANJ IN TORMENT!", if you have dial-up, it will still be dial-up. Wireless networks don't affect Internet speeds...
I was just wondering how about the netgear wireless-n routers.
I was just wondering how about the netgear wireless-n routers.

I have one of the new netgear ones. Not sure what the model number is but it is the black one. I had to replace an old linksys one and the netgear one has worked great! It did cost about $120, but is the best router I've owned. It looks cool too, lol.
I have one of the new netgear ones. Not sure what the model number is but it is the black one. I had to replace an old linksys one and the netgear one has worked great! It did cost about $120, but is the best router I've owned. It looks cool too, lol.
That is the one I was thinking about getting. Are the download speeds fast also.
I've had a Linksys, Buffalo, Airport Extreme and Time Capsule (all in the last year, unfortunately). The Linksys was nothing but problems. The Buffalo worked great with PC's, but my Macs would fall of the network randomly. The APE was rock solid. I only sold it to get the Time Capsule. If you like the APE and even remotely think you'd like the HD in the TC for Time Machine purposes, then spend the extra money and get the TC. I love mine, I have 4 Macs backing up to it over the network and it works great.
Be careful with the Netgear routers. They have a high failure rate after 6 months. I highly suggest reading the reviews over at Amazon before purchasing one!

I have to go along with the AirPort Extreme, AirPort Express or Time Capsule. They work very well especially on the 5 GHZ band which has less interference.
I went through 4 Apple N Routers all with dropping and inconsistent signal, constant hard reboots and just frustrations before i gave up and bought a d-link N cheap router.

200$ Apple N - Bad x4 (for me)

70$ D-Link - Good solid no restarts and N connection (for me)
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