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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 7, 2003
Hi all,

I have a basic question---what is the current leading web stack folks are using to build web apps? My last web apps (circa 2010) were LAMP with embedded SQL and tables for layout.

I've spent the past 5 or so years playing around with "no code" platforms, primarily I really enjoy these but they can be expensive to run.

I have an existing bubble app that I think I need to move to a more open and cost effective platform. I'm assuming I can still get a VPS for around $20/month and it will have everything I need to run an app?

I would hire someone to port the bubble app to code. Then over time I can learn the stack and make small enhancements myself.

The app is a small niche SaaS that handles training registration. A business would input all their courses/trainings and then consumers can search/browser/register for classes.


macrumors newbie
Nov 30, 2011
Antibes, France
Hi all,

I have a basic question---what is the current leading web stack folks are using to build web apps? My last web apps (circa 2010) were LAMP with embedded SQL and tables for layout.

I've spent the past 5 or so years playing around with "no code" platforms, primarily I really enjoy these but they can be expensive to run.

I have an existing bubble app that I think I need to move to a more open and cost effective platform. I'm assuming I can still get a VPS for around $20/month and it will have everything I need to run an app?

I would hire someone to port the bubble app to code. Then over time I can learn the stack and make small enhancements myself.

The app is a small niche SaaS that handles training registration. A business would input all their courses/trainings and then consumers can search/browser/register for classes.
FWIW I'm developing many sites with Laravel (PHP based framework) for the backend and Vue.js for the front end UI with many variations and nuances (Vuetify/Nuxt/Filament/Livewire/Tailwind/Bootstrap etc etc) around that core platform depending upon the client requirements.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 2, 2020
Espoo, Finland
There is no single "current" stack. There are more options than ever but my favorite framework after many years is still Rails. Its productivity is simply unmatched by the competitor frameworks.

As for the rest of the stack, for me it's

- postgres as database
- redis for background jobs and websockets subscriptions
- dokku for deploying small apps that don't need more than a single server, like personal apps
- Kubernetes for any serious deployments at work that require scale and lots of control
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