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macrumors newbie
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Nov 17, 2015
What is the newest Big Nerd Ranch book for Objective C?

They seem to have a couple of editions and one all encompassing guide on Amazon but I am not sure which one is the newest and most up to date.

Can anyone suggestion one for me?

Also, while we are on the topic of books, is the BNR series one of the best ones or are there books that are better for Objective-C and the consensus is that they are better?

Thank you
BNR is known as one of the top-shelf books. I don't know which one is the latest, probably look at the pub date on Amazon. 2014 sounds about right, I don't think ObjC has changed much since then.

IIRC, they have at least two: iOS and ObjC, if you don't know ObjC, probably best to start there. The publish date is more important with iOS because it changes more than ObjC has.

Another key would be to use the preview and see what version of Xcode they are using, if they demo based on an older version of Xcode it can be a pain to figure things out.
Honestly, the newest version is the 4th edition which is based on iOS 7. So yeah, it's pretty outdated. But fortunately, they've been keeping up with updating people on their forum. So if you search Big Nerd Ranch 4th Edition iOS 9, you'll see corrections to the sections that are necessary.

I would do:
iTunes University Stanford CS193 Objective-C course.
Big Nerd Ranch 4th Edition.
And then just look up the changes between those two and iOS 9/Xcode 7.
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