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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Aug 20, 2003
Long Beach, California
Mine would have to be right now when I forced quit Classic Startup and Classic Environment, and then the top right of my menu bar stopped working (with the menu extras and the time). Everytime I move my mouse up there, I get a spinning beachball, and I can't use my keyboard to control brightness, sound loudness, or ejection, but Expose still works. :rolleyes:
What's your weirdest crash?
Even weirder...

rendezvouscp said:
Mine would have to be right now when I forced quit Classic Startup and Classic Environment, and then the top right of my menu bar stopped working (with the menu extras and the time). Everytime I move my mouse up there, I get a spinning beachball, and I can't use my keyboard to control brightness, sound loudness, or ejection, but Expose still works. :rolleyes:
What's your weirdest crash?

After replacing and moving some hard drives around, as well as working on some new optical drives, my system (10.2.8) boots normally, but the numbers on the numerical keypad become inoperative after log in. Volume, eject, and enter keys work; only the numbers do not. The "num lock" key illuminates, but does not make a difference. The numbers above the letters and below the function keys work normally. Of course, I have no idea how to correct this...
Interesting; I just had that Classic/Top of menu bar crash a few days ago. Happened twice in close succession, in fact, and the first time the OS insisted Classic was running, but was unable to quit it via the prefpane or terminal. I couldn't shut down, either, since the OS insisted something was running and would cancel logout--I eventually used the terminal to kill my session's loginwindow, and restarted from the login screen.

Not quite sure what caused it all of a sudden, though I did notice that you've got the same computer as me. I've heard of exactly what the dead top-right-menubar is a symptom of, but I can't remember what it is now (probably crashed daemon for whatever controls menu extras).
just the other day i was playing my girlfriend in Quake 3 Arena and forgot that i had all the graphics turned all the way up. I only get crashes in Quake at highest-graphics and when i am up real close with multiple other players and alot of firing going on. Anyway, thats exactly what happened, it crashed i got a black screen, my Desktop came up for a split second, but then back to a black screen and it launched Unreal Tournament 2004 demo on its own (which my machine could never handle running, i had forgotten to delete it)

not too wierd but sort of ironic that Quake would crash because of my powerbook's low graphics specs and then launch me into another game that i can't run. =\
When the Finder hangs. Results in a pinwheel whenever the mouse is over a Finder window. Force-quit doesn't restart the Finder as it should and it won't heal itself. The only solution is a restart, or if you can get to the Activity Monitor, killing the WindowServer process. I keep my Applications folder in the Dock now because I've seen this crash a few times.
Safari tab-crash. Open a new tab in Safari, but instead it erases the current window and gives you a new blank window. Infuriating, and also weird. If you keep browsing after that it starts doing really freaky things. Solution is to restart Safari.
OS9 probably gave me my weirdest crashes. The finder one time quit and restarted 10 times before the computer started working fine for 30 seconds, then everything stopped.

I used to hate those curser freezing freezes in os9
oldschool said:
OS9 probably gave me my weirdest crashes. The finder one time quit and restarted 10 times before the computer started working fine for 30 seconds, then everything stopped.

I used to hate those curser freezing freezes in os9

LOL... I hated , I mean hated OS 9 ... That OS alone almost made me think about going to another alternative... Thankfully I didn't & now I have OS X , computer bliss if there is such a thing...
What was up with the force quit feature in OS 9... Everytime I tried to use it it forced Ahh, the good ol' days, <g>... lol...
I did have a "kernel panic" with OS X yesterday. A helpful tip: Don't try to relaunch Classic applications at the same time that you force quit it from OS X. ... My computer wouldn't start up correctly after installing iChat 2.1

Oh, you want applications? Well, I have a copy of Graphing Calculator 2.2 for OS 9, and whenever I expand too many equations, the program does some real funny wierd s***. Then usually it crashes. :p


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