So if you are still using one, with latest wifi devices, what are your wifi speeds on 5Ghz band?
My household uses a 5th-gen Time Capsule for our WiFi, but I'm not exactly using the "latest" devices, haha!
Using 'iPerf3' to a (wired) server on my network, I get the following WiFi
throughput (this
2015 MacBook Pro: 460 Mbps (Mega
bits per sec)
2016 iPhone SE: 256 Mbps
8th-gen iPad: 253 Mbps
My Internet connection is 100 Mbps, so these numbers are just fine for me. Been using this TC for years and it has always been rock-solid reliable (except the HDD has failed and been removed).
Now, above I'm talking just about WiFi throughput -- if what you're really asking about is data transfer rates via Time Machine or SMB, it was slow... like 10 MBps (Mega
Bytes per sec) at best. It appears that the processor in the TC is the bottleneck (it's not the HDD itself).