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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 7, 2006
I made a 3 minute movie from a selection of video clips a couple weeks back and saved it to my external hard drive. At the time everything worked perfectly. However I just plugged in my external to boot up my imovie HD project and opened the file and next thing I know im in iMovie HD and when I play it there is no video.....It is just a white screen where the video should be playing. The audio to my movie works fine, and it shows that the video clips are still there in iMovie. But all I get is a white screen? Anyone know what to do about this

P.S. When running my DVD project that is from this, iDVD crashes when previewing my DVD.
I don't think there's anything wrong with your mac, but your iMovie project file may be corrupted. Do you still have the source clips? Easiest way might just be to rebuild the movie. There may be some ways to recover the project, or it might not be damaged at all. I'm just unsure what happened. Have you rebooted?

Either way, video editing on an external hd is always risky business. Editing on internal is always safter (and the best option if you have the space).

Good luck. :eek:
Geez. Sorry to hear about your dilemma! I don't deal much at all with iMovie; mostly Final Cut Pro.

Actually, you want to use an external hard drive for video editing if you can. The system and the video should be on separate drives.
When you turn off your external hard drive, do you unmount it first by dragging it to the trash like you're supposed to? Oh yeah, please tell me this is a FireWire drive...
DHagan4755 said:
Geez. Sorry to hear about your dilemma! I don't deal much at all with iMovie; mostly Final Cut Pro.

Actually, you want to use an external hard drive for video editing if you can. The system and the video should be on separate drives.
Thats true if your using FCP, but if your making three minute movies with iMovie (which I don't think is as stable)....ah whatever. ;)

Try loading the file on another mac?
thanks for the help

Being a beginner mac user I sort of just played around with the iMovie HD package. I couldn't solve the problem, but what I could do was drag the movie clip to the "clipboard" in iMovie, then drag it back to its spot and just like that the video played. It must be some sort of corruption, but I don't understand why still. It will be pretty annoying if I have to do this for about 10 video clips and another 50 or so pictures.
P.S. My external is a USB drive. My iMovie HD file is only 1.8 GB though.
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