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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 8, 2008
Sacramento, CA
Name features you want, UI, anything! I'm making an app and I want your feedback! We are trying to make this the best thing ever and we need some help! More info at Thanks, and we'll take every comment into consideration, I promise!
I'd love something simple and straight forward, like Echofon (formerly TwitterFon) but with push notifications that can be enabled or disabled for specific events. That way you can be notified only when someone mentions you or when certain people post updates. I think that would be good for people who follow a lot of people, so they aren't attacked by notifications. You could have a list of "favorites" or something within the app and receive notifications only when those people post something new.
I'd also like to be able to update both Twitter and Facebook from the same app.
And of course it would be awesome if it were on the cheap side. :D
the ability to "edit" what goes unto your bottom bar. where as tweetie has mentions,favorites.. i would like it to be able to be customizable to what id like.
how about a twitter client with an addy book?

are there any available with that??? if so, please let me know..
I'd have to say Tweetie with push notifications (however, the Boxcar app currently helps with this) and a selection of different themes.
Tweetie2 with Push.

Boxcar's Push is nice.. but it should be integrated into Tweetie2.
Simplytweet 2.5 is the best I have ever used. The newest update lets you filter out who appears in your Friends timeline, push for @mentions and DM's, full landscape, it's fast, easy to customize and create lists. Best of all I've never waited more than 30 minutes to hear back from the simplytweet twitter account with help and great.
My two favorites are SimplyTweet and Twitterific Premium. I'd love to see a client use all the features of SimplyTweet plus the tweet sizes of Twitterific Premium.
Why doesn't Tweetie 2 have push? Will it ever be added w/o Boxcar? Doesn't make sense to me unless Tweetie doesn't want to run a server.
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