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My favorite app will be iCall, if it ever comes out. There is truphone but that a pay service. iCall I think will be free, and much more slick. It will be able to reansfer calls to wifi seamlessly.
I found Truphone on itunes about an hour ago, and now it says its not avalible. What a piece of crap. Does anyone know anything about why?
My favorite app will be iCall, if it ever comes out. There is truphone but that a pay service. iCall I think will be free, and much more slick. It will be able to reansfer calls to wifi seamlessly.

For making free calls via WiFi? What about receiving calls? Does it work as long as your connected to the network?
I like the themes apps. Being able to customize my iPhone is what I mosted wanted. Easy to use and easy to customize.

However with that said, I am going to un-JB my phone when I get home and prep it for the 2.0 and app store.
When is 2.0 going to be released?

I like AIM/Google Talk/Instant Messengers because they reduce the need for SMS. Unfortunately since SMS is a big money maker for AT&T, I'm afraid they're going to somehow discourage IM. Hats off to them for keeping things mostly open so far :)
Your welcome.

So... what is everyone else finding? There are over 500 apps in iTunes right now. Which are your favorites so far? Free ones... purchase ones... whatever.
I've tried only 3 apps so far, though I read through the descrips of most of the Free Apps.

Shazam: This listens to a song for 15-20 secs and tells you what the song is. I only demo'd with one song which it got correct, but reviewers say they've had fantastic results. This is excellent.

ePocrates: Registration is evil, they want to know your name, which medical school you went to, what year you graduated, and they attempt to VERIFY that you went there. Ick. But otherwise, impressive and important app for health workers. The download is actually an install app which then installs the larger entire application. So don't be fooled by the 0.7 mb file size.

Tap Tap Revenge: This is a well done game (and free) with tapping and shaking to music. The downside is that they're pre-done music so it can't take music from your library. I expect they'll add that (possibly for a fee?) since they had it in a previous version apparently. There's even a two player version and a contest today and tomorrow with a $300 gift certificate prize.

Yes there are a LOT of silly apps on the iTunes store (sim stapler, white screen flashlights, bubbles, pretend beer/milk, lightsaber sound on movement). I haven't downloaded any because I don't want to crud up my iPhone. But they look like fun :)
My favorite App so far is Pandora... but I've always been a fan of Pandora. All the same, very well implemented, and the easiest way to find new music you like.

PhoneSaber was a big hit with the wife. I was running around slashing the Sith all morning. ;)
My favorite App so far is Pandora... but I've always been a fan of Pandora. All the same, very well implemented, and the easiest way to find new music you like.

PhoneSaber was a big hit with the wife. I was running around slashing the Sith all morning. ;)

Aurora feint is the best app the iphone has. As as far as chasing my gf with an iphone saber, i have a better idea than using the iphone saber hahaha.
Best app by far is SHAZAM

Put your iphone next to any song (playing) and it will tell you the artist, album and song name.

AIM is very helpful for when I might need to talk to someone online and not be at my computer. I just downloaded FuelGauge and I fully expect that it will be worth the .99 cents. Facebook is fun and easy but could be better. And cube runner is a really great, fun, easy game. I haven't got to really use any other ones.
I've heard that shazam will soon cost money- is this true?
If you've already downloaded the app are you good?
Or will you have to pay for an update or subscription or something?
any idea?
Apps I've found to be worthy:

Remote - I use this on Airports and AppleTV. Amazing, and super fast response.

AOL Radio - first thing from AOL I've ever liked. Decent reggae station.

Shazam - Wow. Amazing piece of code. Still don't know how it works, but it's been 100% for me.

Ebay - If you use the auction site, this is a must.

Brain Challenge - Fun and entertaining.

Aqua Forest - This is by far the most impressive use of graphics and the accelerometer. Amazing.

Honestly, I'm completely addicted to DoubleDrop. It is so fun to find ways to solve the puzzle.

Touchpad Pro :D
- i love being able to control all the computers in the house from the iPhone :D

- fun, addictive game on the mac... dont see how it could be any different on the iPhone

- brilliant demo for showing people the accelerometers


iGtech - when its past the beta stage ;)
- im a car nut.... looking forward to using that and having a horsepower/quarter mile/speed/acceleration/performance log with me where ever i go..... :D
Here are ExtremeTech's 25 favorite FREE Aps:,2845,2325290,00.asp

#25 Save Benjis
#24 Baseball
#23 VoiceNotes
#22 Truveo Video Search
#21 Weight Tracker
#20 Remote
#19 Epocrates Rx
#18 Mobile Banking
#17 TypePad
#16 The New York Times
#15 SmugShot
#14 Where
#13 Mobile News Network
#12 Shazam
#11 eBay Mobile
#10 Eventful
#9 Salesforce Mobile
#8 Evernote
#7 WeatherBug
#6 AIM
#5 Google Mobile App
#4 Facebook
#3 Twitterrific
#2 eReader
#1 PhoneSaber
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