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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 17, 2002
I've actually been thinking about getting a keyboard, and GB pushed me over the top. But which one should I get? Is the 49-key from the Apple store good enough? Or should I go with more keys? The problem is, I don't know if one with more keys would work as well with GB as the one Apple is selling.
I looked at it this way when I ordered mine.

1) Money - Get the least expensive one. You can always go eBay.

2) Use - I don't know what kind of use I or my family is going to get out of this, if I add one with all these extra buttons vs. just keys and a few extras it could overwhelm everyone and turn into a dust collector

So I went with the least expensive keyboard option. I think it'll work best for me.
Does anyone know if that M-Audio 49e that Apple is pimping has weighted keys? I want an inexpensive keyboard around 49 keys in size, but as a piano player, I gotta have weighted keys...


Thanks in advance.

Key Board selection???

The macally ICEKEY is great if you
like a lap top touch....quick keys
and the least amount of finger
strain.....I love mine.
Uhmmm....I think we're talking about musical, piano-style keyboards here...not Mac keyboards. :)
Originally posted by Trekkie

2) Use - I don't know what kind of use I or my family is going to get out of this, if I add one with all these extra buttons vs. just keys and a few extras it could overwhelm everyone and turn into a dust collector

i couldnt agree more... thats why i chose the 99 dollar option as well :D
Re: What keyboard should I get?

Originally posted by dukemeiser
The problem is, I don't know if one with more keys would work as well with GB as the one Apple is selling.

Any keyboard will work as well with GB as any other keyboard, these keyboards are midi, they simply transmit a set of instructions to the software and any keyboard will transmit the same set of instructions. The more keys the better, the more knobs the better. Trust me as you get into you will want a better keyboard, I did!

If you are a pianist, make sure you get a sustain pedal too!
Any MIDI keyboard would work with GB as long as its set up right in Core MIDI.

jcroft - any 49-key keyboard is not going to be weighted. Weighting comes in the full 88- or 71-key sizes.

If I were looking to mess around, I would get a 61-key model that's USB, so there's no external MIDI interface needed. Many of the smaller ones (especially by M-Audio) are powered by the USB bus so there's no need for a power adapter, although they come with one.

Depending on your seriousness about it, it is worth the investment. A lot of programs accept the controls from the knobs to control effects and other parameters.

Two inexpensive alternatives

Evolution MK-361
61 keys
touch sensitive keys
$180 at

M-audio Radium61
61 keys
$200 at

Both MIDI USB, don't need external power. Neither is weighted. Both are velocity (touch) sensitive I believe.
Originally posted by jcroft
Does anyone know if that M-Audio 49e that Apple is pimping has weighted keys? I want an inexpensive keyboard around 49 keys in size, but as a piano player, I gotta have weighted keys...


Thanks in advance.


if touch really is that important to you, i would highly recommend taking a trip to your local music store to try out their keyboards. my local guitar center had a huge selection set up to try out and i took a good while trying out each one. i finally decided on a yamaha P80 and i love it. it had the heaviest keys of any i tried, but isn't sticky, either. it beats my parents' old "real piano" hands down. but i know you're looking for just a controller in a different price range, but it's still a good idea to get out there and try them first hand. :)
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