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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 19, 2008
Cumming GA
With 2.0 being able to do some cool stuff and the iPhone hardware being able to run graphics pretty nicely what games would you like to see on the iPhone? I wouldn't mind a strategy game, maybe like adv. wars on the gameboy. What do ya'll want?
Generally, I'd like offerings similar to DS offerings. Specifically, like Nintendo's strategy, I'd want to see great gameplay and maybe innovative gameplay (accelerometer and touchscreen stuff) more than the very best graphics, and I'd expect the games to have that level of depth and complexity. I'd be open to games from small studios but I'd hold them to the same standards as the console majors. I would probably buy games like that, but if they were more like overglorified phone-style mini-games, I would probably not buy them even if they were very inexpensive.
i can't wait for a skateboarding game!!!!

oh wait, that's the game i want to see on the wii with wiifit

but seriously, i could see a game like okami being very good on the iphone. . .we're already seeing super monkeyball being ported, that's another obvious choice(or any other marble madness clone)

plus, i actually think once they get the controls down, a good FPS style game on the iPhone or iPod Touch would be great
i love cars and I would love to have a real game of cars racing and maybe and accesoria so your iphone is a wheel just like in the wii I would Really love that
I'm not sure how the iPhone would use a FPS, maybe something like time crisis?

A game similar to diablo might would really well. Its just hard to play games though with out tactile buttons, so i have to think about games that don't need real buttons and run using menus and the like.
A game like Diablo would be ideal. Maybe slow it down and slightly increase the RPG elements and wow, you've got something.

RTSs would also rock.

I want ambition, not ports and simplistic puzzlers and racers.
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