Didn't vote since I'm slightly ahead of the curve here and bought a used Mac Pro 7.1 a while back. Picked up another Pro Vega II for $1000 a week ago.
Every time I open up this Mac Pro I strongly wish that more people could experience owning this Mac—or a modern version of similar build quality and finish. ❤️ It just makes me happy that there is a company willing to build a computer like this.
Sometimes the stars all line up and you feel you're in this positive spiral where success brings success. With the Mac Pro, well, that ain't so. For the longest time, Apple was little more than a glorified case maker, wrapping other companies' components up as neatly as possible. Everyone loved to buy a skeleton Mac Pro and upgrade it via this or that PC-components vendor. But there's nothing for Apple in that.
Everyone loves the idea of an upgradable computer. But the truth of the matter is that often enough, once next-gen hardware comes around there's a new CPU tray, new memory module format, new hard disk interface... and you need to replace an awful lot of the computer anyway.
I don't think Apple's new "buy it, use it, buy a new one" is much of a deal-breaker in terms of long-term upgradability, but it's a shame that you can't buy a cheap Mac—and get your foot in the door—and then upgrade memory and SSDs over a couple of months within the same generation of tech.
My current Mac Pro's upgrade path sees a 28-core CPU soonish, and long term maybe 2x Dual W6800X if they show up used at good prices after Apples' transition. Right now two of those cards is a $10k upgrade. I'll wait until I get both for $3-4k.
But much of that hinges on how Apple solves the GPU conundrum. The way Silicon is structured now is you need to keep adding CPU to beef up GPU. In video and 3D there is a need for dedicated GPU grunt and I hope Apple can show us some nice ideas on this front relatively soon. While I don't believe in "eGPUs" being part of the main CPU-GPU loop in a new Mac Pro, I wouldn't rule out the concept of 'accelerator cards' for dedicated tasks like ray tracing.
The new Mac Pro will be expandable, but I'm thinking it will not be "heart and lungs (CPU/GPU)", but extensions like audio interfaces, network cards and other "special functionality". The Silicon Mac Pro's modularity will be less 'beef it up' and more 'extend its functionality'.
But hey, a next-gen Mac Studio and a new MiniLED 32" Liquid Retina XDR Display will be a super nice, affordable (not meaning dirt-cheap) Mac/Apple solution. 👍🏻