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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 9, 2006
I am currently about to enter my senior year and i have worked for a while and can afford a macbook as well as a macbook pro, the only issue is that i am curious as to whether i will need the extra power. I love the look of the macbook pro much more but that isnt worth the money i need to know if the power will be taken advantage of. Obviously ill be using chat programs and using word but i also plan on using photoshop a fair amount and becoming familiar with final cut pro and motion.

what would you guys recommend? :D
If you're getting into the higher-end stuff as you propose, you'll be better served by a MacBook Pro.
Final Cut Pro and Motion, then get the MBP especially for Motion which i am pretty sure is graphics card intense

apple said:
AGP Quartz Extreme or PCI Express graphics card (Final Cut Studio is not supported on systems using the Intel Extreme Graphics 950 GMA)

Motion requires the standard graphics card found in any MacBook Pro, iMac Intel Core Duo, Power Mac G5, iMac G5, a 1.25 GHz or faster PowerBook G4, or a 1.25 GHz or faster flat-panel iMac.
Don't get it. I'd wait until you know where you're going to college, what you plan on majoring in, and what sort of machine they recomend.

Having said that, I know you don't want to wait. So do you play games? At least wait until there's Core2 in the MBP's until you decide.
yeah, i am not doing anything until after wwdc the biggest reason why i dont want to touch the macbook with a 10 foot pole is the screen is just way too small for me. Not even for the reasons i would use it, it is just my personal preference.
Genoa12 said:
yeah, i am not doing anything until after wwdc the biggest reason why i dont want to touch the macbook with a 10 foot pole is the screen is just way too small for me. Not even for the reasons i would use it, it is just my personal preference.

Good idea (waiting until after WWDC '06). :)

I know what you mean about the MacBook's LCD being too small. I was originally going to buy a MacBook instead of a MacBook Pro, but after comparing the screens and the look of the cases (aluminum vs plastic) I went with the MacBook Pro. :)
If you wanna learn motion u HAVE to get the Macbook Pro because Motion will not run at all on the Macbook.
sorry to go off but since you guys aanswered my questions i might as well as a new one. Which final cut should i get, i dont understand what comes with what this being my first mac and all. Does motion come with final cut, and is final cut express all i need or do i need studio or something D:
I'd get the MBP. While the differences seem small and not worth the price difference to many people, the difference between the 2 models for people who actually do video or photo work may be significant. I mean, many people will tell you that ther resolution and video card aren't significant enough differences to pay an extra $500 or whatever (sorry, I don't know American pricing) isn't worth it, but it truly is for those people who need it. In fact, a screen with the same res as the 13.3" MB may make it unbearable and useless to the user.
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