In just over 10 days, the iPod touch will reach the longest time since updating, 400 days since updates!!!
As user oldmacs mentioned, going 400+ days without an "update" isn't really the longest time the iPod has gone without an update. The MacRumors count includes minor color/storage bump changes and the like, which is misleading. The previous/5th-generation iPod touch was the then-current generation for about three years. By the time they updated it last summer, it was in desperate need of it. One year with the 6th generation, and I don't feel the same way.
Whatever they do, I hope they don't get rid of the headphone jack. The iPod was created specifically for listening to music. I know a lot of people use their smartphones for that now, but I don't trust myself with mine at the gym, and I like to think of the iPod as cheap(ish) insurance for that. If they do, I guess the adapter is at least reasonably priced--as are some third-party Bluetooth headphones I used to use but could never make last (they fell apart all the gym with regular usage at the gym).
To answer the original question, I don't see much happening on this device for another year, maybe two. They may change a color or two, but I don't really care about those changes. I would expect them to eventually get rid of the 16 GB tier and adjust pricing of the rest accordingly, but I wouldn't be surprised if they waited until the next generation to do that (or maybe they won't do that for a while yet--they seem to like having a 16 GB version to enable lower pricing, which they once did with a camera-less version in the previous generation).
PS - Your post is somewhat hard to read. You may consider using less non-traditional formatting (centering, superfluous spacing, etc.) next time to make it better.