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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 31, 2006
London Town
I'm lost. I'm currently trying to toubleshoot my DG834v3 wireless router (combined with ADSL modem), but having just got onto the Netgear website to see if it is because I have outdated firmware, the firmware that came with the original release of this model has "DO NOT USE IN THE UK" next to it (I'm in the UK, by the way).

It offers no alternative for UK users. Have Netgear simply tried to rip me off by selling me a wireless router they aren't prepared to support in the UK?!?! Ack!

Here's the support page for the product:

Please help!!
It's probably a legal thing. The spectrum of permitted frequencies in the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi range varies from country to country. Maybe that firmware activates frequencies that aren't legally available here for public use. E-mail their tech support for confirmation.
Like dynamicv says, must be a legal thing. It could also be because it increases the transmitter power above some legal limit in the UK, rather than the portion of the spectrum.
Hmmm...well, I might try downloading it anyway and seeing what happens (backing up the original drivers, of course).

I'm currenly trying to troubleshoot my router because everytime I try to preview something on iTunes Music Store, I get a "Network Stalled/Rebuffering" message. Is it just me getting this ALL THE TIME in the last day or so? I thought it was something to do with my routers wireless capabilities, but I've just connected my Macbook to the router by ethernet cable, and it does the exact same thing in iTunes Music Store.

Basically, it could be a huge range of things. It could me the modem in my router playing up. It could be the wireless/my Airport (but I doubt it as its just as slow when cabled to the router), it could be the iTunes server being slow, or it could be a dodgy phone line. How the heck do I find out?!
I bought a couple of tracks off iTunes over the weekend and everything was as normal. If the equipment has been installed for a while and worked perfectly up until now, I would say it's either your phone line or ISP, so leave the router alone and give the ISP a call.

If you've just bought the router, I would say that is the problem, but it would more likely be settings than hardware if both wireless and wired are playing up. Are you leaving it to accept everything from the ISP automatically, or entering settings yourself?
To take care of the problem temporarily, you might want to select the 'Load complete preview before playing' option. It's located in iTunes > Preferences > Store.

I would check your download/upload speed (this will tell you if it is an iTunes server problem, or a problem with your ISP/modem/router). I good place (IMO) is (it will also give you the results in a percentage compared to other users with the same ISP).
Why do people bother worrying about such trivial things on this website?:rolleyes:
For all the OP knows, the firmware update increases the signal voltage on the WAN port and fries British Telecom equipment. Therefore, why shouldn't he come on a technical forum and ask the question?
FleurDuMal said:
Basically, it could be a huge range of things. It could me the modem in my router playing up. It could be the wireless/my Airport (but I doubt it as its just as slow when cabled to the router), it could be the iTunes server being slow, or it could be a dodgy phone line. How the heck do I find out?!
You can check the status of the exchange (which is the most likely problem given that you're having problems when wired to the modem) here. Or give BT a call and ask them to test the line (this is assuming you have a BT line).
dynamicv said:
For all the OP knows, the firmware update increases the signal voltage on the WAN port and fries British Telecom equipment. Therefore, why shouldn't he come on a technical forum and ask the question?
It's illegal to sell non BT regulated equipment in the UK. Although we don't know where Fleur bought it.......
Why do people bother worrying about such trivial things on this website?:rolleyes:

Why do people waste their (and others) time posting in threads that do not interest them? If you have no interest in a thread, move along. You don't have to make a snarky post. This is a perfectly legit question to ask.

On topic, do you get the same problem when you eliminate the router completely from the equation? Connect your DSL modem directly to you Mac and see if that solves the problem. If it does, then you have confirmed the router is the issue. If not, you can start looking in the direction of the ISP.
slu said:
On topic, do you get the same problem when you eliminate the router completely from the equation? Connect your DSL modem directly to you Mac and see if that solves the problem. If it does, then you have confirmed the router is the issue. If not, you can start looking in the direction of the ISP.
The Netgear DG834G is a combined DSL modem & router, so he won't be able to do that sadly.
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