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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 16, 2017
Hi, I'm still debating on what os to upgrade from my macbook air mid-2011 i5 2GB ram, I'm still not sure because of the limited memory even if it's still running perfectly smooth. Can you suggest what os should i upgrade? Thanks


macrumors 68020
Apr 3, 2012
Do you have any specific reason for update? If it is related to compatibilty requirement of particular program that really important to you then you have no choice other than upgrade to at least minimum version supported by those programs.
If you don't have any specific reason, neither specific problem/annoyances then you may be better stay at 10.7.5 (considering limited memory on your MBA).


macrumors regular
Nov 13, 2014
West Sussex, UK
Presumably you have Time Machine running and backing your entire system up on a regular basis - You may want to 'clone' your system as-is to another external drive using Superduper or Carbon copy cloner.

Once you're certain everything is backed-up then jump right to Sierra. Yes its got the 'flat-look' but most of the bugs are dealt with now as its at 10.12.5 You have an SSD so you may not find the lack of RAM such an issue as it would be if you had a HDD.
Try Sierra for at least a day, giving it time to settle down with Spotlight indexing etc. No point in going for anything less if you're upgrading now.
Unlikely but if you find it slow, you can easily restore your backup. The longer you leave it the harder it is to go back as you'll need to keep track of documents etc.
If you're also an iPhone user, take care not to opt for the iCloud Drive until you're happy with the new OS, you may mess-up the ability to go back to iPhoto sync from Lion.
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